Hello, What a great library gpiod is. I am trying to port over my robot software from WiringPi to it at the moment. I am running Ubuntu 18.04 on both a development laptop and a Raspbery Pi 3 A+. I cross compile version 1.4.2 and can run on the Pi and iterate over the detected devices fine. However I'm not able to detect the correct chipset on the device. The Pi v3a+ uses the Broadcom chipset BCM2837B0, however the chip is detected as a bcm2835 which is from the original Pi v1. Further, none of the lines are labelled with a description. They all appear as "unnamed" instead of labels such as "GPIO_GCLK" or "GPIO17" I heard the stock Kernel. on 18.04 (4.15) did have some issues, however I have since upgraded to the 5.3.0 Kernal on both my dev laptop and Pi. I would personally like to keep to using the Ubuntu distribution for the Pi, however perhaps it is better i revert back to Raspbian. My future work I hope to integrate the DMA timing for a simple PWM control using the gpiod, i'd like to help out with the project if I can, sorry if I have approached the wrong email list. Regards, Geoffrey.