Re: [PATCH V7 1/8] mfd: add device-tree binding doc for PMIC max77620/max20024

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On Wednesday 10 February 2016 06:53 PM, Lee Jones wrote:
On Tue, 09 Feb 2016, Laxman Dewangan wrote:

On Tuesday 09 February 2016 09:12 PM, Lee Jones wrote:
On Sat, 30 Jan 2016, Laxman Dewangan wrote:

+	Normal mode also called as active mode on which all step-down
+		regulators, all linear regulators, GPIOs, and the 32kHz
+		oscillator are in normal active mode.
+	sleep mode: Regulators/GPIOs/clock can go on OFF state based on
"can go on OFF state"?
Regulator/GPIO has two states, enable and disable. If sleep mode is
configured for these resource and external signal triggers to sleep
then this get disabled.
It's the English that I'm unhappy with.

"can go on OFF state" doesn't sound right.

+			source gets the control signal for ON and OFF.
+	Power on slot: 	Slot number on which resource is ON once FPS source
+			get ON signal.
Can you find another way of explaining this please?
Does it look fine:
There is 8 slots for each FPS on which resource can get enabled.
This property provides the slot number on which resource gets
enabled after FPS sequence started.
It's a bit better, yes.  Although it's still a little difficult to
read.  In fact, I can't even recommend a suitable alternative, since I
still do not understand exactly what it is you're trying to say.
I am sorry if I am not able to make it clear. Better I post the 
datasheet content so that it is easy to understand and then we can have 
better text here.

The Flexible Power Sequencer (FPS) allows each regulator to power up under hardware or software control. Additionally, each regulator can power on independently or among a group of other regulators with an adjustable power-up and power-down delays (sequencing). GPIO1, GPIO2, and GPIO3 can be programmed to be part of a sequence allowing external regulators to be sequenced along with internal regulators. nRST_IO can be programmed to be part of a sequence.
The flexible sequencing structure consists of two hardware enable inputs 
(EN0, EN1), and 3 master sequencing timers. Each master sequencing timer 
is programmable through its configuration register to have a hardware 
enable source or a software enable source (CNFGFPSx). When 
enabled/disabled the master sequencing timer generates eight sequencing 
events. The time period between each event is programmable within the 
configuration register.
Each regulator, GPIO1, GPIO2, GPIO3, and nRST_IO has a flexible power 
sequence slave register (FPS_x) which allows its enable source to be 
specified as a flexible power sequencer timer or a software bit. When a 
FPSSRCx specifies the enable source to be a flexible power sequencer, 
the power up and power down delays are configured by FPSPUx[2:0] and 
FPSPDx[2:0].can be specified in that regulators flexible power sequencer 
configuration register.

+-maxim,enable-sleep: 		    Boolean, enable sleep state of PMIC
We already have bindings for sleeping.  Please use a generic one.
Which property? Saw sleep property with vendor prefix.
I guess there are too many '.*sleep.*' properties now, each with
slightly different syntax and meaning.  The situation is exacerbated
by one of the key examples is using the property with cells expected
i.e. non-bool.

My grep shows some sleep property and followig are near to which I am looking.

pinctrl/ste,nomadik.txt:- ste,sleep: <0/1>
                                    0: sleep mode disable,
                                    1: sleep mode enable.

Should I made this as generic like

sleep: <0/1>
            0: sleep mode disable,
            1: sleep mode enable.

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