Hi! I wanted to look for a way that we can set output values for gpios using Linux’s libgpiod library such that we can write a value to a (chip,pin) combo and be able to read the value we wrote from that same pin. For example, heila@device# gpioset gpiochip4 29=1 ### Sets GPIO Output Pin to 1 heila@device# gpioget gpiochip4 29 0 ### Reads a 0 at the same Output Pin Happy to provide more details on our hardware/product/application if that’s needed as well. I’m not sure if this email address is monitored, please let me know if there is another one I should reach out to. https://manpages.debian.org/testing/gpiod/gpioset.1.en.html I found the email at the bottom of this manpage. Thanks, Akash Borde