Dear Mr. Andreas Karlsson:
Thank you for the quote. If we really want to bring this down to the
lowest level, then an idea is not copyrighted per se, for sure.
But, what is the problem? That I have used the wrong word? The context
was clear and hence the meaning of the word "ideas". So, simply add the
word "described", "presented", or "publicated" before the word "ideas"
or substitute the word "ideas" with the term "technical descriptions
given in textual form".
Or is the problem that the idea has been publicated and everybody is now
free to take it? The answer is: yes and no.
Everybody can implement an idea, concept, system, or method of operation
even if it is given with a copyrighted representation, and give it away
or even sell it, because in the latter case it is not patented. But how
should somebody give something away or sell something without giving a
description about what it is? This leads to the other case.
What you and many other persons might misunderstand is the fact that if
an idea is copyrighted by being represented in a textual, visual, or
other form, it even does not matter at all if somebody else takes
another text or image as long as the sense/the idea described in this
other way is still the same as described in the original text or image,
because it does not matter in which way the copyrighted thing is
communicated. As a good example take a melody publicated with written
notes. It does not matter on which instrument you play it or in which
style you sing it. It is still the same melody. Or take a written script
of a movie that is narrated from the view of the main protagonist in the
original plot and from the view of another actor or a voice in the back
in a copied plot. In all cases it is still the same copyrighted idea/story.
Said this, every other description or documentation that uses different
terms, a source code, even a visual graphic, or whatever representation
of a file system that has the characteristical features of my
log-structured hashing based data storage system with one or more of the
optional features like for example consistent hashing, different data
structures on the physical storage system and in the (virtual) memory,
finger table, logged finger or hash tables in memory, and ACID
properties (see again the given links), as it is the case with the
latest description of the Tux3 FS with Shardmap, transports/communicates
the copyrighted description of the same idea/concept/system in large
parts or even as a whole somehow. And simply coding and compiling it
does not help as well due to the many possibilities of re-engineering.
Christian Stroetmann
I assume it is serious since ideas cannot be copyrighted in most (or
maybe even all) countries.
From the FAQ of the U.S. Copyright Office [1]:
"Copyright does not protect facts, ideas, systems, or methods of
operation, although it may protect the way these things are expressed."
"How do I protect my idea?
Copyright does not protect ideas, concepts, systems, or methods of
doing something. You may express your ideas in writing or drawings and
claim copyright in your description, but be aware that copyright will
not protect the idea itself as revealed in your written or artistic
On 06/24/2013 05:16 PM, Christian Stroetmann wrote:
Dear Mr. Pavel Machek:
Is this a serious comment?
Nevertheless, this is a copyrighted idea [1].
Christian Stroetmann
[1] Log-Structured Hash-based File System (LogHashFS or LHFS;
At first you came up with a file system that can handle a great
many/billions files and has ACID feature, which are both features of
my Ontologic File System (OntoFS; see [1]). Both were said to be a
no-go at that time (around 2007 and 2008).
Then you came up, with my concept of a log-structured hashing based
file system [2] and [3], presented it as your invention yesterday
[4], and even integrated it with your Tux3 file system that already
has or should have the said features of my OntoFS. I only waited for
this step by somebody strongly connected with the company Samsung
since the October 2012. AIso, I do think that both steps are very
clear signs that shows what is going on behind the curtain.
And now your are so bold and please me that I should credit these
ideas in the sense of crediting your ideas. For sure, I always do
claim for copyright of my ideas, and the true question is if you are
allowed to implement them at all. In this conjunction, I would give
Fortunately, you can't copyright ideas. Chuck Norris managed to do it
once, but you can't.
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