Re: [RFC PATCH 0/9] Landlock supervise: a mechanism for interactive permission requests

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On Tue, Mar 04, 2025 at 01:12:56AM +0000, Tingmao Wang wrote:
> Landlock supervise: a mechanism for interactive permission requests
> Hi,
> I would like to propose an extension to Landlock to support a "supervisor"
> mode, which would enable a user program to sandbox applications (or
> itself) in a dynamic, fine-grained, and potentially temporary way.
> Practically, this makes it easy to give maximal control to the user,
> perhaps in the form of a "just in time" permission prompt.  Read on, or
> check the sandboxer program in the last patch for a "demo".

Thanks for this RFC, this is very promising!

> To Jan Kara and other fanotify reviewers, I've included you in this patch
> as Mickaël suggested that we could potentially extend and re-use the
> fanotify uapi and code instead of creating an entirely new representation
> for permission requests and mechanism for passing it (as this patch
> currently does).  I've not really thought out how that would work (there
> will probably have to be some extension of the fanotify-fd uapi since
> landlock handles more than FS access), but I think it is a promising idea,
> hence I would like to hear your thoughts if you could spare a moment to
> look at this.  A good outcome could also be that we add the necessary
> hooks so that both this and fanotify (but really fsnotify?) can have _perm
> events for create/delete/rename etc.
> FS mailing list - I've CC'd this patchset to you too - even though the
> patch doesn't currently touch any FS code, this is very FS related, and
> also, in order to address an inode lock related problem which I will
> mention in patch 6 of this series, future versions of this patch will
> likely need to add a few more LSM hooks.  Especially for that part, but
> also other bits of this project, a pair of eyes from the FS community
> would be very helpful.
> To Tycho Andersen -- I'm CC'ing you as you've worked on the seccomp-unotify
> feature which is also quite related, so if you could spare some time for a
> quick review, or provide some suggestions, that would be very appreciated
> :)
> I'm submitting this series as a non-production-ready, proof-of-concept
> RFC, and I would appreciate feedback on any aspects of the design or
> implementation.  Note that due to the PoC nature of this, I have not
> handled errors etc.  I also welcome suggestions for
> alternative names for this feature (e.g. landlock-unotify?
> landlock-perm?).  At this point I'm very keen to hear some initial
> feedback from the community before investing further into polishing this
> patch.
> (I've briefly pitched the overall idea to Mickaël, but he has not reviewed
> the patch yet)
> Why extend landlock?
> --------------------
> While this feature could be implemented as its own LSM, I feel like it is
> a natural extension to landlock -- landlock has already defined a set of
> fine-grained access requests with the intention to add more (and not just
> for FS alone), is designed to be an unprivileged, stackable,
> process-scoped, ad-hoc mechanism with no persistent state, which works
> well as a generic API to support a dynamic sandbox, and landlock is
> already doing the path traversal work to evaluate hierarchical filesystem
> rules, which would also be useful for a performant dynamic sandbox
> implementation.

I agree, that would be a great Landlock feature.

> Use cases
> ---------
> I have several potential use cases in mind that will benefit from
> landlock-supervise, for example:
> 1. A patch to firejail (I have not discussed with the firejail maintainers
> on this yet - wanted to see the reception of this kernel patch first)
> which can leverage landlock in a highly flexible way, prompting the user
> for permission to access "extra" files after the sandbox has started
> (without e.g. having to restart a very stateful GUI program).
> This way of using landlock can potentially replace its current approach of
> using bind mounts (as it will allow implementing "blacklists"), allowing
> unprivileged sandbox creation (although need to check with firejail if
> there are other factors preventing this).  This also allows editing
> profiles "live" in a highly interactive way (i.e. the user can choose
> "allow and remember" on a permission request which will also add the newly
> allowed path to a local firejail profile, all automatically)
> 2. A "protected" mode for common development environments (e.g. VSCode or
> a terminal can be launched "protected") that doesn't compromise on
> ease-of-use.  File access to $PWD at launch can be allowed, and access to
> other places can be allowed ad-hoc by the developer with hopefully one UI
> click.  Since landlock can also be used to restrict network access, such a
> protected mode can also restrict outgoing connections by default (but ask
> the user if they allow it for all or certain processes, on the first
> attempt to connect).
> Recently there has been incidents of secret-stealing malware targeting
> developers (on Linux) by social engineering them to open and build/run a
> project. [1]  The hope is that landlock-supervise can drive adoption of
> sandboxes for developers and others by making them more user-friendly.
> In addition to the above, I also hope that this would help with landlock
> adoption even in non-interaction-heavy scenarios, by allowing application
> developers the choice to gracefully recover from over-restrictive rulesets
> and collect failure metrics, until they are confident that actually
> blocking non-allowed accesses would not break their application or degrade
> the user experience.

Another interesting use case is to trace programs and get an
unprivileged "permissive" mode to quickly create sandbox policies.

> I have more exploration to do regarding applying this to applications, but
> I do have a working proof of concept already (implemented as an
> enhancement to the sandboxer example). Here is a shortened output:
>     bash # env LL_FS_RO=/usr:/lib:/bin:/etc:/dev:/proc LL_FS_RW= LL_SUPERVISE=1 ./sandboxer bash -i
>     bash # echo "Hi, $(whoami)!"
>     Hi, root!
>     bash # ls /
>     ------------- Sandboxer access request -------------
>     Process ls[166] (/usr/bin/ls) wants to read
>       /
>     (y)es/(a)lways/(n)o > y
>     ----------------------------------------------------
>     bin
>     boot
>     dev
>     ...
>     usr
>     var
>     bash # echo 'evil' >> /etc/profile
>     (a spurious create request due to current issue with dcache miss is omitted)
>     ------------- Sandboxer access request -------------
>     Process bash[163] (/usr/bin/bash) wants to read/write
>       /etc/profile
>     (y)es/(a)lways/(n)o > n
>     ----------------------------------------------------
>     bash: /etc/profile: Permission denied
>     bash #
> Alternatives
> ------------
> I have looked for existing ways to implement the proposed use cases (at
> least for FS access), and three main approaches stand out to me:
> 1. Fanotify: there is already FAM_OPEN_PERM which waits for an allow/deny
> response from a fanotify listener.  However, it does not currently have
> the equivalent _PERM for file creation, deletion, rename and linking, and
> it is also not designed for unprivileged, process-scoped use (unlike
> landlock).

As discussed, I was thinking about whether or not it would be possible
to use the fanotify interface (e.g. fanotify_init(), fanotify FD...),
but looking at your code, I think it would mostly increase complexity.
There are also the issue with the Landlock semantic (e.g. access rights)
which does not map 1:1 to the fanotify one.  A last thing is that
fanotify is deeply tied to the VFS.  So, unless someone has a better
idea, let's continue with your approach.

> 2. Seccomp-unotify: this can be used to trap all syscalls and give the
> sandbox a chance to allow or deny any one of them. However, a correct,
> TOCTOU-proof implementation will likely require handling a large number of
> fs-related syscalls in user-space, with the sandboxer opening the file or
> carrying out the operation on behalf of the sandboxee.  This is probably
> going to be extremely complex and makes everything less performant.

We should get inspiration from the fanotify and seccomp-notify features
(while implementing the minimum for now) but also identify their design
issues and caveats.

Tycho, Christian, Kees, any suggestion?

> 3. Using a FUSE filesystem which gates access.  This is actually an
> approach taken by an existing sandbox solution - flatpak [2], however it
> requires either tight integration with the application (and thus doesn't
> work well for the mentioned use cases), or if one wants to sandbox a
> program "transparently", SYS_ADMIN to chroot.

Android's SDCardFS is another example of such use.

> I've tested that what I have here works with the enhanced sandboxer, but
> have yet to write any self tests or do extensive testing or perf
> measurements.  I have also yet to implement support for supervising tcp
> rules as well as FS refer operations.

One of the main suggestion would be to align with the audit patch series
semantic and the defined "blockers":
I'll send another series soon.

> Base commit: 78332fdb956f18accfbca5993b10c5ed69f00a2c (tag:
> landlock-6.14-rc5, mic/next)
> [1]:
> [2]:
> Tingmao Wang (9):
>   Define the supervisor and event structure
>   Refactor per-layer information in rulesets and rules
>   Adds a supervisor reference in the per-layer information
>   User-space API for creating a supervisor-fd
>   Define user structure for events and responses.
>   Creating supervisor events for filesystem operations
>   Implement fdinfo for ruleset and supervisor fd
>   Implement fops for supervisor-fd
>   Enhance the sandboxer example to support landlock-supervise
>  include/uapi/linux/landlock.h | 119 ++++++
>  samples/landlock/sandboxer.c  | 759 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
>  security/landlock/Makefile    |   2 +-
>  security/landlock/fs.c        | 134 +++++-
>  security/landlock/ruleset.c   |  49 ++-
>  security/landlock/ruleset.h   |  66 +--
>  security/landlock/supervise.c | 194 +++++++++
>  security/landlock/supervise.h | 171 ++++++++
>  security/landlock/syscalls.c  | 621 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
>  9 files changed, 2036 insertions(+), 79 deletions(-)
>  create mode 100644 security/landlock/supervise.c
>  create mode 100644 security/landlock/supervise.h
> --
> 2.39.5

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