Re: [PATCH RFC 06/10] pidfs: allow to retrieve exit information

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On So, 02.03.25 21:24, Oleg Nesterov (oleg@xxxxxxxxxx) wrote:

> This will fix the problem with mt-exec, but this won't help to discriminate
> the leader-exit and the-whole-group-exit cases...
> With this this (or something like this) change pidfd_info() can only report
> the exit code of the already reaped thread/process, leader or not.
> I mean... If the leader L exits using sys_exit() and it has the live sub-
> threads, release_task(L) / __unhash_process(L) will be only called when
> the last sub-thread exits and it (or debugger) does "goto repeat;" in
> release_task() to finally reap the leader.
> IOW. If someone does sys_pidfd_create(group-leader-pid, PIDFD_THREAD),
> pidfd_info() won't report PIDFD_INFO_EXIT if the leader has exited using
> sys_exit() before other threads.
> But perhaps this is fine?

I think this is fine, but I'd really like a way how userspace can
determine this state reliably. i.e. a zombie state where the exit
status is not available yet is a bit strange by classic UNIX
standards on some level, no?

But I guess that might not be a pidfd specific issue. i.e. I figure
classic waitid() with WNOHANG failing on a zombie process that is set
up like that is a bit weird too, no? Or how does that work there?
(pretty sure some userspace might not be expecting that...)


Lennart Poettering, Berlin

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