On 5/22/22 15:01, Adam Manzanares wrote:
Zoned Storage Devices (SMR HDDs and ZNS SSDs) have demonstrated that they can
improve storage capacity, throughput, and latency over conventional storage
devices for many workloads. Zoned storage technology is deployed at scale in
some of the largest data centers in the world. There's already a
well-established set of storage vendors with increasing device availability and
a mature software foundation for interacting with zoned storage devices is
available. Zoned storage software support is evolving and their is room for
increased file-system support and additional userspace applications.
The Zoned Storage microconference focuses on evolving the Linux zoned
storage ecosystem by improving kernel support, file systems, and applications.
In addition, the forum allows us to open the discussion to incorporate and grow
the zoned storage community making sure to meet everyone's needs and
expectations. Finally, it is an excellent opportunity for anyone interested in
zoned storage devices to meet and discuss how we can move the ecosystem forward
Hi Adam,
On https://lpc.events/event/16/contributions/1147/ I see four speakers
but no agenda? Will an agenda be added before the microconference starts?