On 20.11.21 г. 1:08 ч., James Bottomley wrote:
[trying to reconstruct cc list, since the cc: field is bust again]
On Fri, 19 Nov 2021 11:47:36 -0500
Steven Rostedt <rostedt@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Can we back up and ask what problem you're trying to solve before
we start introducing new objects like namespace name?
TL;DR; verison:
We want to be able to install a container on a machine that will let
us view all namespaces currently defined on that machine and which
tasks are associated with them.
That's basically it.
So you mentioned kubernetes. Have you tried
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
The point is that orchestration systems usually have interfaces to get
this information, even if the kernel doesn't. In fact, userspace is
almost certainly the best place to construct this from.
To look at this another way, what if you were simply proposing the
exact same thing but for the process tree. The push back would be that
we can get that all in userspace and there's even a nice tool (pstree)
to do it which simply walks the /proc interface. Why, then, do we have
to do nstree in the kernel when we can get all the information in
exactly the same way (walking the process tree)?
I see on important difference between the problem we have and the problem in your example. /proc contains all the
information needed to unambiguously reconstruct the process tree.
On the other hand, I do not see how one can reconstruct the namespace tree using only the information in proc/ (maybe
this is because of my ignorance).
Let's look the following case (oversimplified just to get the idea):
1. The process X is a parent of the process Y and both are in namespace 'A'.
3. "unshare" is used to place process Y (and all its child processes) in a new namespace B (A is a parent namespace of B).
4. "setns" is s used to move process X in namespace C.
How would you find the parent namespace of B?
Again, using your arguments, I can reformulate the problem statement this way: a userspace program is well instrumented
to create an arbitrary complex tree of namespaces. In the same time, the only place where the information about the
created structure can be retrieved is in the userspace program itself. And when we have multiple userspace programs
adding to the namespaces tree, the global picture gets impossible to recover.