Hi, I don`t know if this is the correct place to express my issue or not. I have a big problem. For my project, a Directory Monitor, I`ve researched about dnotify, inotify and fanotify. dnotify is the worst choice. inotify is a good choice but has a problem. It does not work recursively. When you implement this feature by inotify, you would miss immediately events after subdir creation. fanotify is the last choice. It has a big change since Kernel 5.1. But It does not meet my requirement. I need to monitor a directory with CREATE, DELETE, MOVE_TO, MOVE_FROM and CLOSE_WRITE events would be happened in its subdirectories. Filename of the events happened on that (without any miss) is mandatory for me. I`ve searched and found a contribution from @amiril73 which unfortunately has not been merged. Here is the link: https://github.com/amir73il/fsnotify-utils/issues/1 I`d really appreciate it If you could resolve this issue. Regards, Mohammad Reza