On Thu, 2018-10-18 at 21:18 +-0800, Ming Lei wrote: +AD4 Turns out q-+AD4-dma+AF8-alignement should be stack limit because now bvec table +AF4AXgBeAF4AXgBeAF4AXgBeAF4AXgBeAF4AXg dma+AF8-alignment? +AD4 is immutalbe, the underlying queue's dma alignment has to be perceptible +AF4AXgBeAF4AXgBeAF4AXgBe +AF4AXgBeAF4AXgBeAF4AXgBeAF4AXg immutable? observable? +AD4 by stack driver, so IO buffer can be allocated as dma aligned before +AF4AXgBeAF4AXg stacked? Anyway: Reviewed-by: Bart Van Assche +ADw-bvanassche+AEA-acm.org+AD4