Hi! I noticed the following behavior; basically, after copying part of a normal pipe buffer (anon_pipe_buf_ops) from pipe A to pipe B, both pipe A and pipe B can merge new writes into the existing page, clobbering each other's data: ============ $ cat tee_test.c #define _GNU_SOURCE #include <fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <err.h> #include <stdio.h> int main(void) { int pipe_a[2]; if (pipe(pipe_a)) err(1, "pipe"); int pipe_b[2]; if (pipe(pipe_b)) err(1, "pipe"); if (write(pipe_a[1], "abcd", 4) != 4) err(1, "write"); if (tee(pipe_a[0], pipe_b[1], 2, 0) != 2) err(1, "tee"); if (write(pipe_b[1], "xx", 2) != 2) err(1, "write"); char buf[5]; if (read(pipe_a[0], buf, 4) != 4) err(1, "read"); buf[4] = 0; printf("got back: '%s'\n", buf); } $ gcc -o tee_test tee_test.c $ ./tee_test got back: 'abxx' $ ============ splice_pipe_to_pipe() probably has the same problem? I'm not sure what the cleanest way to fix this would be. Replace anon_pipe_buf_ops with packet_pipe_buf_ops when copying a buffer? Or add a new buffer flag for marking a buffer as mergeable, and get rid of buf->ops->can_merge?