Would it be worth having a meeting on Zoom or the like this week to discuss the way forward for getting encryption for btrfs, be that one of the extent-based encryption variations or AEAD?
Thanks! Sweet Tea On 11/16/22 15:19, Sweet Tea Dorminy wrote:
On 11/3/22 15:22, Paul Crowley wrote:Thank you for creating this! I'm told the design document [1] no longer reflects the current proposal in these patches. If that's so I think it's worth bringing the design document up to date so we can review the cryptography. Thanks![1] https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iNnrqyZqJ2I5nfWKt7cd1T9xwU0iHhjhk9ALQW3XuII/editI apologize for the delay; I realized when this thread was bumped just now that my attempt to share the updated doc didn't seem to make it to the mailing list.https://docs.google.com/document/d/1janjxewlewtVPqctkWOjSa7OhCgB8Gdx7iDaCDQQNZA/edit?usp=sharing is an update of the design document that hopefully is what you're requesting.