Re: [PATCH V2 1/4] drivers/fpga/amd: Add new driver amd versal-pci

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On 3/2/25 23:57, Xu Yilun wrote:
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On Sat, Mar 01, 2025 at 11:03:29AM -0800, Yidong Zhang wrote:

On 3/1/25 00:20, Xu Yilun wrote:
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My last question for this topic:
If we decide to upstream both userPF and mgmtPF driver together, could them
be both within the drivers/fpga/amd as in-tree driver? This will help user

I don't look into your full driver stack. Generally, if your drivers are
all about reprogramming, then yes. If they are also about all kinds of
accelaration functions you'd better split them out in different domains.
I may not have enough knowledge to make them correct.

The driver has more features than just re-programing. The re-programing is
already done in the embedded firmware that's why the mgmtPF driver is just a
utility driver.

The userPF driver has features such as:
   xdma (already in drivers/xilinx/xdma as platform driver)
   qdma (already in drivers/amd/qdma as platform driver)
   mailbox and more which have not been upstreamed in linux kernel yet.

The driver architecture is:

   userPF driver (as pci_driver)
     qdma (as platform_driver)
     mailbox (as platform_driver)
     mailbox (as platform_driver)
   mgmtPF driver (as pci_driver)
     Embedded firmware (re-programing done here)

Right now, I am working on upstreaming the mgmtPF driver as pci_driver.
In the future, I think the userPF driver should be fitting into the
"drivers/fpga", given that should manage all these platform_drivers and

No I think userPF driver should manage all these *platform_devices*.
Yes, userPF driver manage all these "platform_devices" by leveraging the fpga_region callback ops. That's why I am thinking the userPF should be in drivers/fpga.

Platform_drivers could be independent and put into proper domain folders.
Yes. All these "platform_devices" - drivers - should be put into proper domain. Aka, not in the drivers/fpga.

utilize the fpga_region callbacks to online/offline services due to hardware

fpga_region should online/offline platform devices. Not services, which is the
job of each platform_driver.

Yes. I think we are thinking the same concept - online/offline platform devices. Not the services like probe/remove. The online/offline are separate ops just designed for the platform_devices to be online/offline.



changes after re-programing.



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