On 1/26/22 18:39, Xu Yilun wrote:
On Tue, Jan 25, 2022 at 08:54:48PM -0800, Moritz Fischer wrote:
On Tue, Jan 25, 2022 at 10:31:06PM -0600, Dinh Nguyen wrote:
On 1/25/22 19:07, Xu Yilun wrote:
On Tue, Jan 25, 2022 at 01:28:53PM -0600, Dinh Nguyen wrote:
From: Richard Gong <richard.gong@xxxxxxxxx>
Extend Intel service layer driver to get the firmware version running at
FPGA device. Therefore FPGA manager driver, one of Intel service layer
driver's client, can decide whether to handle the newly added bitstream
authentication function based on the retrieved firmware version.
Acked-by: Moritz Fischr <mdf@xxxxxxxxxx>
This is already acked and no more change, is it? So please just ping in
the original mail or add the [RESEND PATCH] prefix.
The patch is good to me.
Acked-by: Xu Yilun <yilun.xu@xxxxxxxxx>
Thanks, I added Moritz Acked-by: is the only change.
Did we traditionally take those through FPGA tree, did Greg pick those
This patch was the 3rd one of a patchset. It is acked but the patchset
is not, so we didn't take the single one in FPGA tree. This is the last
Right, Richard has left Intel. So what I've done is gone back and try to
re-send patches that have been Acked, like this one, and split out the
other patches to a smaller series to restart the process.