[PATCH v3 0/2] fbdev: hyperv_fb: framebuffer release cleanup

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This patch series addresses an issue in the unbind path of the hyperv_fb
driver, which is resolved in the second patch of this series.

While working on this fix, it was observed that hvfb_putmem() and its
child functions could be cleaned up first to simplify the movement of
hvfb_putmem(). This cleanup is done in the first patch.

Although hvfb_getmem() could also be cleaned up, it depends on
vmbus_allocate_mmio(), which is used by multiple other drivers. Since
addressing hvfb_getmem() is independent of this fix, it will be handled
in a separate patch series.

 - Add a patch 1 for cleanup of hvfb_putmem()
 - Use the simplified hvfb_putmem()

Saurabh Sengar (2):
  fbdev: hyperv_fb: Simplify hvfb_putmem
  fbdev: hyperv_fb: Allow graceful removal of framebuffer

 drivers/video/fbdev/hyperv_fb.c | 30 ++++++++++++++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 20 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)


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