I've pushed out a new version of the test-appliance used by kvm-xfstest and gce-xfstests. The kvm-xfstests appliances can be found here: https://kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/people/tytso/kvm-xfstests The gce-xfstests images can be found in the xfstests-cloud project in Google Compute Engine with the image name xfstests-{amd64,arm64}-202410151341. Most people who request their gce-xfstests image from the xfstests-cloud project will get the latest version automatically. A new feature added since the last released appliance (a while ago), the Lightweight Test Manager (ltm) will resume a VM after it crashes or after it hangs, and will mark the test as being in state "error" (as opposed "failed"). In addition, if $2 USD for 24 VM hours (2.5 hours of wall clock time if run in parallel using ltm) when testing of all 12 of the ext4 file system configurations with "gce-xfstests -c ext4/all -g auto" is too rich for your blood, a new feature I've added to gce-xfstests is the optional use of GCE preemptible instances. This will reduce the cost by 60-91% (depending on your geography and VM type), with the tradeoff that if the capacity of GCE zone you are using gets too busy by customers willing to pay full price (for example, during Black Friday and the Christmas shopping season more generally), the test VM will get aborted. The ltm test manager will automatically attempt to restart the test VM (after a capped expoential backoff) and the xfstest will resume where it was preempted once low-cost cloud capcity becomes available again. The arm64 kvm-xfstests test appliance can also be used on MacOS, using the qemu built from MacPorts. So for those people who want to run a quick test on their Macbook Air while on an airplane flight, without paying the double-virtualization penalty, this is now a possibility. :-) BTW, I'm currently running: gce-xfstests ltm -c ext4/all,xfs/all,btrfs/all,f2fs/all -g auto --repo https://kernel.googlesource.com/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/next/linux-next --watch fs-next which runs daily test runs of the fs-next branch. I've also started experimenting with: gce-xfstests ltm -c ext4/all,xfs/all -g auto --repo stable-rc.git --watch linux-6.6.y gce-xfstests ltm -c ext4/all,xfs/all -g auto --repo stable-rc.git --watch linux-6.1.y etc. My plan is to try to make the daily reports available via e-mail to interested parties. Let me know if this would interest you. For detailed information of the version of components used in the test appliance, please see: https://kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/people/tytso/kvm-xfstests/README Documentation and more information is available at: https://thunk.org/gce-xfstests https://github.com/tytso/xfstests-bld/blob/master/Documentation/00-index.md Cheers, - Ted