--- Comment #64 from Matthew Stapleton (matthew4196@xxxxxxxxx) --- After patching ext4_mb_choose_next_group set of functions with noinline_for_stack, perf is now including those in the report: perf report --stdio -i . That usage in ext4_mb_regular_allocator is only about 1.39% (compared to 17.59 for ext4_get_group_desc and ext4_get_group_info) with ext4_mb_choose_next_group_goal_fast using 0.74% and ext4_mb_choose_next_group_best_avail using 0.58% which indicates ext4_mb_choose_next_group_best_avail isn't stalling for me like it was before. -- You may reply to this email to add a comment. You are receiving this mail because: You are watching the assignee of the bug.