Re: ext4: Funny characters appended to file names

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[Cc: +Colin]

Dear Ted,

Am 04.12.20 um 19:05 schrieb Theodore Y. Ts'o:
On Fri, Dec 04, 2020 at 04:39:12PM +0100, Paul Menzel wrote:

Colin, the modules in `/boot/grub/i386-pc` look funny, and can’t be loaded by GRUB anymore.

$ ls -lt /boot/grub/i386-pc/
insgesamt 2085
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 512 13. Aug 23:00 'boot.img-'$'\205\300''u'$' \023\211''鍓]'$'\206\371\377\211\360\350''f'$'\376\377\377\205 \300''ur'$'\203\354\004''V'$'\377''t$'$'\030''j'$'\002''胒' -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 30893 13. Aug 23:00 'core.img-'$'\205\300''u'$' \023\211''鍓]'$'\206\371\377\211\360\350''f'$'\376\377\377\205 \300''ur'$'\203\354\004''V'$'\377''t$'$'\030''j'$'\002''胒'

$ sudo LANG=C fsck.ext4 -f /dev/md0
e2fsck 1.45.6 (20-Mar-2020)
Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes
Pass 2: Checking directory structure
Pass 3: Checking directory connectivity
Pass 4: Checking reference counts
Pass 5: Checking group summary information
boot: 327/124928 files (17.7% non-contiguous), 126021/497856 blocks

I can’t remember if that was an Ext2 or Ext3 when created several years ago.

Well, the output dumpe2fs will tell us an awful lot about the file

Interesting. The file system was created in 2008. ;-) Please find the dumpe2fs output attached.

When was the last time the directory was OK?  Do you know when it may
have gotten corrupted?

The last reboot before. But I am really confused now though.

    $ ls -ld /boot/grub/i386-pc
    drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 28672 29. Nov 12:13 /boot/grub/i386-pc

But the module files in there are all from August 2020.

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2400 Aug 13 23:00 'part_gpt.mod-'$'\205\300''u'$'\023\211\351\215\223'']'$'\206\371\377\211\360\350''f'$'\376\377\377\205\300''ur'$'\203\354\004''V'$'\377''t$'$'\030''j'$'\002\350\203\222'

The characters in the file name look like some character encoding. Do you know hat that is? UTF-8? The dumped output viewed in an editor shows a “Asian” looking characters 胒.

    $ last reboot
    reboot   system boot  5.9.0-4-686-pae  Fri Dec  4 21:10   still running
reboot system boot 5.9.0-4-686-pae Sun Nov 29 17:56 - 17:02 (4+23:05) reboot system boot 5.9.0-1-686-pae Sun Nov 29 09:37 - 12:50 (03:12) reboot system boot 5.9.0-1-686-pae Sat Oct 31 20:49 - 23:40 (02:50)

So, I ran

Nov 29 10:58:55 mattotaupa sudo[2214]: paul : TTY=pts/0 ; PWD=/home/paul ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/apt full-upgrade

and that also touched `/boot/grub/i386-pc`.

The GRUB packages and Linux package were updated according to `/var/log/dpkg.log.1`.

    2020-11-29 11:38:06 upgrade grub2-common:i386 2.04-9 2.04-10
2020-11-29 12:04:00 status installed linux-image-5.9.0-4-686-pae:i386 5.9.11-1
    2020-11-29 12:13:24 configure grub-pc:i386 2.04-10 <none>
    2020-11-29 12:13:24 status unpacked grub-pc:i386 2.04-10
    2020-11-29 12:13:24 status half-configured grub-pc:i386 2.04-10
[Dialog waited for my confirmation: Some GRUB warning regarding block devices, which I always “ignore”, that means tell GRUB to be upgraded]
    2020-11-29 12:43:21 status installed grub-pc:i386 2.04-10

So, afterward I was able to reboot without any issues.

But now, it gets really confusing. `last` claims, the system was running for four days. But that was not the (power was unplugged in between). I also can’t remember the shutdown failing in some strange way. In the systemd journal, it’s also recorded as one boot, but messages are missing, supporting it was powered off in between.

Nov 29 17:57:00 mattotaupa kernel: Linux version 5.9.0-4-686-pae (debian-kernel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) (gcc-10 (Debian 10.2.0-19) 10.2.0, GNU ld (GNU Binutils for Debian) 2.35.1) #1 SMP Debian 5.9.11-1 (2020-11-27) Nov 29 17:57:00 mattotaupa kernel: random: get_random_u32 called from bsp_init_amd+0x12f/0x220 with crng_init=0
Nov 29 17:57:51 mattotaupa tracker-miner-f[1130]: Unable to get XDG user directory path for special directory &MUSIC. Ignoring this location. Nov 29 17:57:51 mattotaupa tracker-miner-f[1130]: Unable to get XDG user directory path for special directory &PICTURES. Ignoring this location. Nov 29 17:57:51 mattotaupa tracker-miner-f[1130]: Unable to get XDG user directory path for special directory &VIDEOS. Ignoring this location. Dez 04 14:48:12 mattotaupa systemd-timesyncd[706]: Initial synchronization to time server [2a01:4f8:120:9224::2]:123 ( Dez 04 14:48:12 mattotaupa systemd[1]: Starting exim4-base housekeeping... Dez 04 14:48:12 mattotaupa systemd[1]: Starting Daily man-db regeneration...

So, something really strange happened. But looking more into this, and that I wasn’t definitely not home on November 29th, 2020 at 17:57, I think the system time was just incorrect.

The (old) drive seems alright.

$ sudo smartctl -i /dev/sdb
smartctl 7.1 2019-12-30 r5022 [i686-linux-5.9.0-4-686-pae] (local build)
Copyright (C) 2002-19, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke,

Model Family:     Western Digital Caviar Green (AF)
Device Model:     WDC WD20EARS-60MVWB0
Serial Number:    WD-WCAZA4234015
LU WWN Device Id: 5 0014ee 20585a39e
Firmware Version: 51.0AB51
User Capacity:    2.000.398.934.016 bytes [2,00 TB]
Sector Sizes:     512 bytes logical, 4096 bytes physical
Form Factor:      3.5 inches
Device is:        In smartctl database [for details use: -P show]
ATA Version is:   ATA8-ACS (minor revision not indicated)
SATA Version is:  SATA 2.6, 3.0 Gb/s
Local Time is:    Sat Dec  5 20:08:13 2020 CET
SMART support is: Available - device has SMART capability.
SMART support is: Enabled
$ sudo smartctl -H /dev/sdb
smartctl 7.1 2019-12-30 r5022 [i686-linux-5.9.0-4-686-pae] (local build)
Copyright (C) 2002-19, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke,

SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED

Please find `sudo smartctl --all /dev/sdb` attached.

Do you want me to re-install grub to see if it’s a problem introduced in Debian’s GRUB 2.04-10?

grub2 (2.04-10) unstable; urgency=medium

  [ Ian Campbell ]
  * Remove myself from uploaders.

  [ Colin Watson ]
  * When upgrading grub-pc noninteractively, bail out if grub-install fails.
    It's better to fail the upgrade than to produce a possibly-unbootable
  * Explicitly check whether the target device exists before running
    grub-install, since grub-install copies modules to /boot/grub/ before
    installing the core image, and the new modules might be incompatible
    with the old core image (closes: #966575).
  * Cherry-pick from upstream:
    - tftp: Roll-over block counter to prevent data packets timeouts
      (LP: #1892290).

  [ Dimitri John Ledkov ]
  * grub-install: Add backup and restore.
  * Don't call grub-install on fresh install of grub-pc.  It's the job of
    installers to do that after a fresh install.

 -- Colin Watson <cjwatson@xxxxxxxxxx>  Sun, 08 Nov 2020 16:26:08 +0000

Kind regards,

Filesystem volume name:   boot
Last mounted on:          /boot
Filesystem UUID:          955b3fc7-59b5-449e-9d61-6e795165fda0
Filesystem magic number:  0xEF53
Filesystem revision #:    1 (dynamic)
Filesystem features:      has_journal ext_attr resize_inode dir_index filetype sparse_super
Filesystem flags:         signed_directory_hash 
Default mount options:    (none)
Filesystem state:         clean
Errors behavior:          Continue
Filesystem OS type:       Linux
Inode count:              124928
Block count:              497856
Reserved block count:     24892
Free blocks:              371835
Free inodes:              124601
First block:              1
Block size:               1024
Fragment size:            1024
Reserved GDT blocks:      256
Blocks per group:         8192
Fragments per group:      8192
Inodes per group:         2048
Inode blocks per group:   256
Filesystem created:       Thu Apr  3 18:32:24 2008
Last mount time:          Sat Dec  5 18:52:39 2020
Last write time:          Sat Dec  5 19:47:47 2020
Mount count:              2
Maximum mount count:      38
Last checked:             Fri Dec  4 16:37:42 2020
Check interval:           15552000 (6 months)
Next check after:         Wed Jun  2 17:37:42 2021
Lifetime writes:          16 GB
Reserved blocks uid:      0 (user root)
Reserved blocks gid:      0 (group root)
First inode:              11
Inode size:	          128
Journal inode:            8
Default directory hash:   tea
Directory Hash Seed:      841fff4e-7b84-425a-a26c-6eb3596db34d
Journal backup:           inode blocks
Journal features:         journal_incompat_revoke
Journal size:             8M
Journal length:           8192
Journal sequence:         0x0000adab
Journal start:            0

Gruppe 0: (Blöcke 1-8192)
  Primär Superblock in 1, Gruppendeskriptoren in 2-3
  reservierte GDT-Blöcke bei 4-259
  Block-Bitmap in 260 (+259)
  Inode-Bitmap in 261 (+260)
  Inode-Tabelle in 262-517 (+261)
  0 freie Blöcke, 2037 freie Inodes, 2 Verzeichnisse
  Freie Blöcke: 
  Freie Inodes: 12-2048
Gruppe 1: (Blöcke 8193-16384)
  Datensicherung Superblock in 8193, Gruppendeskriptoren in 8194-8195
  reservierte GDT-Blöcke bei 8196-8451
  Block-Bitmap in 8452 (+259)
  Inode-Bitmap in 8453 (+260)
  Inode-Tabelle in 8454-8709 (+261)
  2000 freie Blöcke, 2048 freie Inodes, 0 Verzeichnisse
  Freie Blöcke: 9393-9472, 9729-10240, 14977-16384
  Freie Inodes: 2049-4096
Gruppe 2: (Blöcke 16385-24576)
  Block-Bitmap in 16385 (+0)
  Inode-Bitmap in 16386 (+1)
  Inode-Tabelle in 16387-16642 (+2)
  3398 freie Blöcke, 2048 freie Inodes, 0 Verzeichnisse
  Freie Blöcke: 16643, 16645-18432, 20481-20511, 22529-23536, 23585-23808, 24038-24127, 24321-24576
  Freie Inodes: 4097-6144
Gruppe 3: (Blöcke 24577-32768)
  Datensicherung Superblock in 24577, Gruppendeskriptoren in 24578-24579
  reservierte GDT-Blöcke bei 24580-24835
  Block-Bitmap in 24836 (+259)
  Inode-Bitmap in 24837 (+260)
  Inode-Tabelle in 24838-25093 (+261)
  3481 freie Blöcke, 2028 freie Inodes, 0 Verzeichnisse
  Freie Blöcke: 25095-25168, 25185-25216, 25249-25488, 25505-26624, 30721-30722, 30724-31328, 31361-32768
  Freie Inodes: 6152, 6160, 6164-6169, 6171-6172, 6174-6177, 6179-8192
Gruppe 4: (Blöcke 32769-40960)
  Block-Bitmap in 32769 (+0)
  Inode-Bitmap in 32770 (+1)
  Inode-Tabelle in 32771-33026 (+2)
  1790 freie Blöcke, 2048 freie Inodes, 0 Verzeichnisse
  Freie Blöcke: 33027-34816
  Freie Inodes: 8193-10240
Gruppe 5: (Blöcke 40961-49152)
  Datensicherung Superblock in 40961, Gruppendeskriptoren in 40962-40963
  reservierte GDT-Blöcke bei 40964-41219
  Block-Bitmap in 41220 (+259)
  Inode-Bitmap in 41221 (+260)
  Inode-Tabelle in 41222-41477 (+261)
  5006 freie Blöcke, 2048 freie Inodes, 0 Verzeichnisse
  Freie Blöcke: 41498-43024, 43041-43104, 43137-43296, 43298-43520, 43559-45056, 47619-49152
  Freie Inodes: 10241-12288
Gruppe 6: (Blöcke 49153-57344)
  Block-Bitmap in 49153 (+0)
  Inode-Bitmap in 49154 (+1)
  Inode-Tabelle in 49155-49410 (+2)
  1612 freie Blöcke, 2048 freie Inodes, 0 Verzeichnisse
  Freie Blöcke: 49425-49664, 51905-53248, 55269-55296
  Freie Inodes: 12289-14336
Gruppe 7: (Blöcke 57345-65536)
  Datensicherung Superblock in 57345, Gruppendeskriptoren in 57346-57347
  reservierte GDT-Blöcke bei 57348-57603
  Block-Bitmap in 57604 (+259)
  Inode-Bitmap in 57605 (+260)
  Inode-Tabelle in 57606-57861 (+261)
  3032 freie Blöcke, 2048 freie Inodes, 0 Verzeichnisse
  Freie Blöcke: 57862-59392, 59971-60001, 62019-63488
  Freie Inodes: 14337-16384
Gruppe 8: (Blöcke 65537-73728)
  Block-Bitmap in 65537 (+0)
  Inode-Bitmap in 65538 (+1)
  Inode-Tabelle in 65539-65794 (+2)
  6821 freie Blöcke, 2048 freie Inodes, 0 Verzeichnisse
  Freie Blöcke: 65795-68128, 68193-68256, 68273-70144, 70289-71242, 71697-72376, 72591-73024, 73029-73040, 73050-73520
  Freie Inodes: 16385-18432
Gruppe 9: (Blöcke 73729-81920)
  Datensicherung Superblock in 73729, Gruppendeskriptoren in 73730-73731
  reservierte GDT-Blöcke bei 73732-73987
  Block-Bitmap in 73988 (+259)
  Inode-Bitmap in 73989 (+260)
  Inode-Tabelle in 73990-74245 (+261)
  1019 freie Blöcke, 2048 freie Inodes, 0 Verzeichnisse
  Freie Blöcke: 78342-78912, 79425-79872
  Freie Inodes: 18433-20480
Gruppe 10: (Blöcke 81921-90112)
  Block-Bitmap in 81921 (+0)
  Inode-Bitmap in 81922 (+1)
  Inode-Tabelle in 81923-82178 (+2)
  6338 freie Blöcke, 2048 freie Inodes, 0 Verzeichnisse
  Freie Blöcke: 82241-84480, 84531-85451, 85536, 85538-86016, 86049-88064, 89432-90112
  Freie Inodes: 20481-22528
Gruppe 11: (Blöcke 90113-98304)
  Block-Bitmap in 90113 (+0)
  Inode-Bitmap in 90114 (+1)
  Inode-Tabelle in 90115-90370 (+2)
  3402 freie Blöcke, 2048 freie Inodes, 0 Verzeichnisse
  Freie Blöcke: 90371-90912, 92961-93760, 94145-94776, 94854-96281
  Freie Inodes: 22529-24576
Gruppe 12: (Blöcke 98305-106496)
  Block-Bitmap in 98305 (+0)
  Inode-Bitmap in 98306 (+1)
  Inode-Tabelle in 98307-98562 (+2)
  5694 freie Blöcke, 2048 freie Inodes, 0 Verzeichnisse
  Freie Blöcke: 98563-100352, 102401-103552, 103681-104512, 104577-106496
  Freie Inodes: 24577-26624
Gruppe 13: (Blöcke 106497-114688)
  Block-Bitmap in 106497 (+0)
  Inode-Bitmap in 106498 (+1)
  Inode-Tabelle in 106499-106754 (+2)
  3234 freie Blöcke, 2048 freie Inodes, 0 Verzeichnisse
  Freie Blöcke: 106755-106784, 106813-106838, 106841-106868, 106873-106908, 106912-107129, 109181-110592, 111157-112640
  Freie Inodes: 26625-28672
Gruppe 14: (Blöcke 114689-122880)
  Block-Bitmap in 114689 (+0)
  Inode-Bitmap in 114690 (+1)
  Inode-Tabelle in 114691-114946 (+2)
  5615 freie Blöcke, 2048 freie Inodes, 0 Verzeichnisse
  Freie Blöcke: 114947-117623, 117761-120192, 120327-120832
  Freie Inodes: 28673-30720
Gruppe 15: (Blöcke 122881-131072)
  Block-Bitmap in 122881 (+0)
  Inode-Bitmap in 122882 (+1)
  Inode-Tabelle in 122883-123138 (+2)
  7862 freie Blöcke, 2048 freie Inodes, 0 Verzeichnisse
  Freie Blöcke: 123145-126011, 126017-126224, 126228-126232, 126240-126328, 126332-126464, 126513-131072
  Freie Inodes: 30721-32768
Gruppe 16: (Blöcke 131073-139264)
  Block-Bitmap in 131073 (+0)
  Inode-Bitmap in 131074 (+1)
  Inode-Tabelle in 131075-131330 (+2)
  7934 freie Blöcke, 2048 freie Inodes, 0 Verzeichnisse
  Freie Blöcke: 131331-139264
  Freie Inodes: 32769-34816
Gruppe 17: (Blöcke 139265-147456)
  Block-Bitmap in 139265 (+0)
  Inode-Bitmap in 139266 (+1)
  Inode-Tabelle in 139267-139522 (+2)
  5886 freie Blöcke, 2048 freie Inodes, 0 Verzeichnisse
  Freie Blöcke: 139523-141312, 143361-147456
  Freie Inodes: 34817-36864
Gruppe 18: (Blöcke 147457-155648)
  Block-Bitmap in 147457 (+0)
  Inode-Bitmap in 147458 (+1)
  Inode-Tabelle in 147459-147714 (+2)
  7934 freie Blöcke, 2048 freie Inodes, 0 Verzeichnisse
  Freie Blöcke: 147715-155648
  Freie Inodes: 36865-38912
Gruppe 19: (Blöcke 155649-163840)
  Block-Bitmap in 155649 (+0)
  Inode-Bitmap in 155650 (+1)
  Inode-Tabelle in 155651-155906 (+2)
  7934 freie Blöcke, 2048 freie Inodes, 0 Verzeichnisse
  Freie Blöcke: 155907-163840
  Freie Inodes: 38913-40960
Gruppe 20: (Blöcke 163841-172032)
  Block-Bitmap in 163841 (+0)
  Inode-Bitmap in 163842 (+1)
  Inode-Tabelle in 163843-164098 (+2)
  7934 freie Blöcke, 2048 freie Inodes, 0 Verzeichnisse
  Freie Blöcke: 164099-172032
  Freie Inodes: 40961-43008
Gruppe 21: (Blöcke 172033-180224)
  Block-Bitmap in 172033 (+0)
  Inode-Bitmap in 172034 (+1)
  Inode-Tabelle in 172035-172290 (+2)
  7214 freie Blöcke, 2048 freie Inodes, 0 Verzeichnisse
  Freie Blöcke: 172291-177024, 177665-179120, 179201-180224
  Freie Inodes: 43009-45056
Gruppe 22: (Blöcke 180225-188416)
  Block-Bitmap in 180225 (+0)
  Inode-Bitmap in 180226 (+1)
  Inode-Tabelle in 180227-180482 (+2)
  3838 freie Blöcke, 2048 freie Inodes, 0 Verzeichnisse
  Freie Blöcke: 180483-184320
  Freie Inodes: 45057-47104
Gruppe 23: (Blöcke 188417-196608)
  Block-Bitmap in 188417 (+0)
  Inode-Bitmap in 188418 (+1)
  Inode-Tabelle in 188419-188674 (+2)
  3743 freie Blöcke, 2048 freie Inodes, 0 Verzeichnisse
  Freie Blöcke: 188675-190464, 192513-193825, 193921-194560
  Freie Inodes: 47105-49152
Gruppe 24: (Blöcke 196609-204800)
  Block-Bitmap in 196609 (+0)
  Inode-Bitmap in 196610 (+1)
  Inode-Tabelle in 196611-196866 (+2)
  7246 freie Blöcke, 2048 freie Inodes, 0 Verzeichnisse
  Freie Blöcke: 196867-197632, 198321-204800
  Freie Inodes: 49153-51200
Gruppe 25: (Blöcke 204801-212992)
  Datensicherung Superblock in 204801, Gruppendeskriptoren in 204802-204803
  reservierte GDT-Blöcke bei 204804-205059
  Block-Bitmap in 205060 (+259)
  Inode-Bitmap in 205061 (+260)
  Inode-Tabelle in 205062-205317 (+261)
  7675 freie Blöcke, 2048 freie Inodes, 0 Verzeichnisse
  Freie Blöcke: 205318-212992
  Freie Inodes: 51201-53248
Gruppe 26: (Blöcke 212993-221184)
  Block-Bitmap in 212993 (+0)
  Inode-Bitmap in 212994 (+1)
  Inode-Tabelle in 212995-213250 (+2)
  7934 freie Blöcke, 2048 freie Inodes, 0 Verzeichnisse
  Freie Blöcke: 213251-221184
  Freie Inodes: 53249-55296
Gruppe 27: (Blöcke 221185-229376)
  Datensicherung Superblock in 221185, Gruppendeskriptoren in 221186-221187
  reservierte GDT-Blöcke bei 221188-221443
  Block-Bitmap in 221444 (+259)
  Inode-Bitmap in 221445 (+260)
  Inode-Tabelle in 221446-221701 (+261)
  7405 freie Blöcke, 2048 freie Inodes, 0 Verzeichnisse
  Freie Blöcke: 221702-222266, 222537-229376
  Freie Inodes: 55297-57344
Gruppe 28: (Blöcke 229377-237568)
  Block-Bitmap in 229377 (+0)
  Inode-Bitmap in 229378 (+1)
  Inode-Tabelle in 229379-229634 (+2)
  5080 freie Blöcke, 2048 freie Inodes, 0 Verzeichnisse
  Freie Blöcke: 229641-229664, 229721-229728, 229753-229760, 229877-229888, 229945-229952, 229973-229984, 230013-230016, 230051-230080, 230121-230144, 230184-230208, 230226-230240, 230268-230272, 230297-230304, 230330-230336, 230371-231424, 233473-233857, 233859-233888, 233908-233920, 233946-233952, 233983-233984, 234035-234048, 234066-234080, 234098-234112, 234158-234176, 234214-234240, 234260-237568
  Freie Inodes: 57345-59392
Gruppe 29: (Blöcke 237569-245760)
  Block-Bitmap in 237569 (+0)
  Inode-Bitmap in 237570 (+1)
  Inode-Tabelle in 237571-237826 (+2)
  5344 freie Blöcke, 2048 freie Inodes, 0 Verzeichnisse
  Freie Blöcke: 237828-237856, 237888-241664, 243713-244468, 244979-245760
  Freie Inodes: 59393-61440
Gruppe 30: (Blöcke 245761-253952)
  Block-Bitmap in 245761 (+0)
  Inode-Bitmap in 245762 (+1)
  Inode-Tabelle in 245763-246018 (+2)
  6642 freie Blöcke, 2048 freie Inodes, 0 Verzeichnisse
  Freie Blöcke: 246019-246144, 246195-249235, 249345-249856, 250990-253952
  Freie Inodes: 61441-63488
Gruppe 31: (Blöcke 253953-262144)
  Block-Bitmap in 253953 (+0)
  Inode-Bitmap in 253954 (+1)
  Inode-Tabelle in 253955-254210 (+2)
  6787 freie Blöcke, 2048 freie Inodes, 0 Verzeichnisse
  Freie Blöcke: 254211-254256, 254273-256288, 256321-256341, 256515-259072, 259459-259778, 260319-262144
  Freie Inodes: 63489-65536
Gruppe 32: (Blöcke 262145-270336)
  Block-Bitmap in 262145 (+0)
  Inode-Bitmap in 262146 (+1)
  Inode-Tabelle in 262147-262402 (+2)
  7666 freie Blöcke, 2048 freie Inodes, 0 Verzeichnisse
  Freie Blöcke: 262403-266224, 266241-266752, 266817-267904, 267969-268676, 268801-270336
  Freie Inodes: 65537-67584
Gruppe 33: (Blöcke 270337-278528)
  Block-Bitmap in 270337 (+0)
  Inode-Bitmap in 270338 (+1)
  Inode-Tabelle in 270339-270594 (+2)
  7934 freie Blöcke, 2048 freie Inodes, 0 Verzeichnisse
  Freie Blöcke: 270595-278528
  Freie Inodes: 67585-69632
Gruppe 34: (Blöcke 278529-286720)
  Block-Bitmap in 278529 (+0)
  Inode-Bitmap in 278530 (+1)
  Inode-Tabelle in 278531-278786 (+2)
  7934 freie Blöcke, 2048 freie Inodes, 0 Verzeichnisse
  Freie Blöcke: 278787-286720
  Freie Inodes: 69633-71680
Gruppe 35: (Blöcke 286721-294912)
  Block-Bitmap in 286721 (+0)
  Inode-Bitmap in 286722 (+1)
  Inode-Tabelle in 286723-286978 (+2)
  7934 freie Blöcke, 2048 freie Inodes, 0 Verzeichnisse
  Freie Blöcke: 286979-294912
  Freie Inodes: 71681-73728
Gruppe 36: (Blöcke 294913-303104)
  Block-Bitmap in 294913 (+0)
  Inode-Bitmap in 294914 (+1)
  Inode-Tabelle in 294915-295170 (+2)
  7934 freie Blöcke, 2048 freie Inodes, 0 Verzeichnisse
  Freie Blöcke: 295171-303104
  Freie Inodes: 73729-75776
Gruppe 37: (Blöcke 303105-311296)
  Block-Bitmap in 303105 (+0)
  Inode-Bitmap in 303106 (+1)
  Inode-Tabelle in 303107-303362 (+2)
  7934 freie Blöcke, 2048 freie Inodes, 0 Verzeichnisse
  Freie Blöcke: 303363-311296
  Freie Inodes: 75777-77824
Gruppe 38: (Blöcke 311297-319488)
  Block-Bitmap in 311297 (+0)
  Inode-Bitmap in 311298 (+1)
  Inode-Tabelle in 311299-311554 (+2)
  4048 freie Blöcke, 1754 freie Inodes, 3 Verzeichnisse
  Freie Blöcke: 311558-311664, 311669-311808, 311821-312320, 312322-312329, 312332-312351, 312353-312354, 312356-312403, 312405-312416, 312418-312426, 312428-313344, 314359-314368, 314591-315020, 315411-315560, 315906-315921, 315924-315940, 315942-316092, 316094-316526, 316929-317023, 317025-317440, 318494-318608, 318977-319016, 319077-319488
  Freie Inodes: 78119-79872
Gruppe 39: (Blöcke 319489-327680)
  Block-Bitmap in 319489 (+0)
  Inode-Bitmap in 319490 (+1)
  Inode-Tabelle in 319491-319746 (+2)
  7145 freie Blöcke, 2046 freie Inodes, 1 Verzeichnisse
  Freie Blöcke: 319747-319995, 319998-320029, 320094-320473, 320770-321152, 321281-322600, 322641-322654, 322656-324608, 324610-325120, 325122-326057, 326314-327680
  Freie Inodes: 79875-81920
Gruppe 40: (Blöcke 327681-335872)
  Block-Bitmap in 327681 (+0)
  Inode-Bitmap in 327682 (+1)
  Inode-Tabelle in 327683-327938 (+2)
  6794 freie Blöcke, 2048 freie Inodes, 0 Verzeichnisse
  Freie Blöcke: 327943-327945, 327947-327948, 327953-327999, 328001-328705, 328707, 328713-329216, 330024-333658, 333976-335872
  Freie Inodes: 81921-83968
Gruppe 41: (Blöcke 335873-344064)
  Block-Bitmap in 335873 (+0)
  Inode-Bitmap in 335874 (+1)
  Inode-Tabelle in 335875-336130 (+2)
  5223 freie Blöcke, 2048 freie Inodes, 0 Verzeichnisse
  Freie Blöcke: 336137-336384, 336568-336640, 336825-337920, 340259-344064
  Freie Inodes: 83969-86016
Gruppe 42: (Blöcke 344065-352256)
  Block-Bitmap in 344065 (+0)
  Inode-Bitmap in 344066 (+1)
  Inode-Tabelle in 344067-344322 (+2)
  7608 freie Blöcke, 2048 freie Inodes, 0 Verzeichnisse
  Freie Blöcke: 344323-350626, 350953-352256
  Freie Inodes: 86017-88064
Gruppe 43: (Blöcke 352257-360448)
  Block-Bitmap in 352257 (+0)
  Inode-Bitmap in 352258 (+1)
  Inode-Tabelle in 352259-352514 (+2)
  7704 freie Blöcke, 2048 freie Inodes, 0 Verzeichnisse
  Freie Blöcke: 352515-355803, 355971-356289, 356353-360448
  Freie Inodes: 88065-90112
Gruppe 44: (Blöcke 360449-368640)
  Block-Bitmap in 360449 (+0)
  Inode-Bitmap in 360450 (+1)
  Inode-Tabelle in 360451-360706 (+2)
  7615 freie Blöcke, 2048 freie Inodes, 0 Verzeichnisse
  Freie Blöcke: 360707-361168, 361488-368640
  Freie Inodes: 90113-92160
Gruppe 45: (Blöcke 368641-376832)
  Block-Bitmap in 368641 (+0)
  Inode-Bitmap in 368642 (+1)
  Inode-Tabelle in 368643-368898 (+2)
  7934 freie Blöcke, 2048 freie Inodes, 0 Verzeichnisse
  Freie Blöcke: 368899-376832
  Freie Inodes: 92161-94208
Gruppe 46: (Blöcke 376833-385024)
  Block-Bitmap in 376833 (+0)
  Inode-Bitmap in 376834 (+1)
  Inode-Tabelle in 376835-377090 (+2)
  7107 freie Blöcke, 2048 freie Inodes, 0 Verzeichnisse
  Freie Blöcke: 377091-377681, 377841-384356
  Freie Inodes: 94209-96256
Gruppe 47: (Blöcke 385025-393216)
  Block-Bitmap in 385025 (+0)
  Inode-Bitmap in 385026 (+1)
  Inode-Tabelle in 385027-385282 (+2)
  6938 freie Blöcke, 2048 freie Inodes, 0 Verzeichnisse
  Freie Blöcke: 385283-386432, 387073-389266, 389623-393216
  Freie Inodes: 96257-98304
Gruppe 48: (Blöcke 393217-401408)
  Block-Bitmap in 393217 (+0)
  Inode-Bitmap in 393218 (+1)
  Inode-Tabelle in 393219-393474 (+2)
  7678 freie Blöcke, 2048 freie Inodes, 0 Verzeichnisse
  Freie Blöcke: 393475-393944, 394201-401408
  Freie Inodes: 98305-100352
Gruppe 49: (Blöcke 401409-409600)
  Datensicherung Superblock in 401409, Gruppendeskriptoren in 401410-401411
  reservierte GDT-Blöcke bei 401412-401667
  Block-Bitmap in 401668 (+259)
  Inode-Bitmap in 401669 (+260)
  Inode-Tabelle in 401670-401925 (+261)
  7163 freie Blöcke, 2048 freie Inodes, 0 Verzeichnisse
  Freie Blöcke: 401926-407040, 407553-409600
  Freie Inodes: 100353-102400
Gruppe 50: (Blöcke 409601-417792)
  Block-Bitmap in 409601 (+0)
  Inode-Bitmap in 409602 (+1)
  Inode-Tabelle in 409603-409858 (+2)
  7228 freie Blöcke, 2048 freie Inodes, 0 Verzeichnisse
  Freie Blöcke: 409859-413087, 413282-413696, 414209-417792
  Freie Inodes: 102401-104448
Gruppe 51: (Blöcke 417793-425984)
  Block-Bitmap in 417793 (+0)
  Inode-Bitmap in 417794 (+1)
  Inode-Tabelle in 417795-418050 (+2)
  7111 freie Blöcke, 2048 freie Inodes, 0 Verzeichnisse
  Freie Blöcke: 418051-418064, 418081-418590, 418847-420864, 421377-422069, 422109-425984
  Freie Inodes: 104449-106496
Gruppe 52: (Blöcke 425985-434176)
  Block-Bitmap in 425985 (+0)
  Inode-Bitmap in 425986 (+1)
  Inode-Tabelle in 425987-426242 (+2)
  6686 freie Blöcke, 2048 freie Inodes, 0 Verzeichnisse
  Freie Blöcke: 426243-426745, 426752-426880, 427233-429084, 429615-429924, 430285-434176
  Freie Inodes: 106497-108544
Gruppe 53: (Blöcke 434177-442368)
  Block-Bitmap in 434177 (+0)
  Inode-Bitmap in 434178 (+1)
  Inode-Tabelle in 434179-434434 (+2)
  7934 freie Blöcke, 2048 freie Inodes, 0 Verzeichnisse
  Freie Blöcke: 434435-442368
  Freie Inodes: 108545-110592
Gruppe 54: (Blöcke 442369-450560)
  Block-Bitmap in 442369 (+0)
  Inode-Bitmap in 442370 (+1)
  Inode-Tabelle in 442371-442626 (+2)
  6442 freie Blöcke, 2048 freie Inodes, 0 Verzeichnisse
  Freie Blöcke: 442627-445522, 446203-447332, 448145-450560
  Freie Inodes: 110593-112640
Gruppe 55: (Blöcke 450561-458752)
  Block-Bitmap in 450561 (+0)
  Inode-Bitmap in 450562 (+1)
  Inode-Tabelle in 450563-450818 (+2)
  6558 freie Blöcke, 2048 freie Inodes, 0 Verzeichnisse
  Freie Blöcke: 450819-454480, 454954-456972, 457217-457929, 458065-458112, 458379-458494
  Freie Inodes: 112641-114688
Gruppe 56: (Blöcke 458753-466944)
  Block-Bitmap in 458753 (+0)
  Inode-Bitmap in 458754 (+1)
  Inode-Tabelle in 458755-459010 (+2)
  7428 freie Blöcke, 2048 freie Inodes, 0 Verzeichnisse
  Freie Blöcke: 459011-459264, 459771-466944
  Freie Inodes: 114689-116736
Gruppe 57: (Blöcke 466945-475136)
  Block-Bitmap in 466945 (+0)
  Inode-Bitmap in 466946 (+1)
  Inode-Tabelle in 466947-467202 (+2)
  6437 freie Blöcke, 2048 freie Inodes, 0 Verzeichnisse
  Freie Blöcke: 467537-469088, 469550-471464, 471657-473346, 473857-475136
  Freie Inodes: 116737-118784
Gruppe 58: (Blöcke 475137-483328)
  Block-Bitmap in 475137 (+0)
  Inode-Bitmap in 475138 (+1)
  Inode-Tabelle in 475139-475394 (+2)
  6559 freie Blöcke, 2048 freie Inodes, 0 Verzeichnisse
  Freie Blöcke: 475395-476069, 476359-481664, 482179-482690, 483263-483328
  Freie Inodes: 118785-120832
Gruppe 59: (Blöcke 483329-491520)
  Block-Bitmap in 483329 (+0)
  Inode-Bitmap in 483330 (+1)
  Inode-Tabelle in 483331-483586 (+2)
  6573 freie Blöcke, 2048 freie Inodes, 0 Verzeichnisse
  Freie Blöcke: 483587-484352, 484801-487424, 488081-489215, 489473-491520
  Freie Inodes: 120833-122880
Gruppe 60: (Blöcke 491521-497855)
  Block-Bitmap in 491521 (+0)
  Inode-Bitmap in 491522 (+1)
  Inode-Tabelle in 491523-491778 (+2)
  5752 freie Blöcke, 2048 freie Inodes, 0 Verzeichnisse
  Freie Blöcke: 491779-495610, 495617-497536
  Freie Inodes: 122881-124928
$ sudo smartctl --all /dev/sdb
smartctl 7.1 2019-12-30 r5022 [i686-linux-5.9.0-4-686-pae] (local build)
Copyright (C) 2002-19, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke,

Model Family:     Western Digital Caviar Green (AF)
Device Model:     WDC WD20EARS-60MVWB0
Serial Number:    WD-WCAZA4234015
LU WWN Device Id: 5 0014ee 20585a39e
Firmware Version: 51.0AB51
User Capacity:    2.000.398.934.016 bytes [2,00 TB]
Sector Sizes:     512 bytes logical, 4096 bytes physical
Form Factor:      3.5 inches
Device is:        In smartctl database [for details use: -P show]
ATA Version is:   ATA8-ACS (minor revision not indicated)
SATA Version is:  SATA 2.6, 3.0 Gb/s
Local Time is:    Sat Dec  5 20:09:45 2020 CET
SMART support is: Available - device has SMART capability.
SMART support is: Enabled

SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED

General SMART Values:
Offline data collection status:  (0x84)	Offline data collection activity
					was suspended by an interrupting command from host.
					Auto Offline Data Collection: Enabled.
Self-test execution status:      (   0)	The previous self-test routine completed
					without error or no self-test has ever 
					been run.
Total time to complete Offline 
data collection: 		(37980) seconds.
Offline data collection
capabilities: 			 (0x5b) SMART execute Offline immediate.
					Auto Offline data collection on/off support.
					Suspend Offline collection upon new
					Offline surface scan supported.
					Self-test supported.
					No Conveyance Self-test supported.
					Selective Self-test supported.
SMART capabilities:            (0x0003)	Saves SMART data before entering
					power-saving mode.
					Supports SMART auto save timer.
Error logging capability:        (0x01)	Error logging supported.
					General Purpose Logging supported.
Short self-test routine 
recommended polling time: 	 (   2) minutes.
Extended self-test routine
recommended polling time: 	 ( 366) minutes.
SCT capabilities: 	       (0x303d)	SCT Status supported.
					SCT Error Recovery Control supported.
					SCT Feature Control supported.
					SCT Data Table supported.

SMART Attributes Data Structure revision number: 16
Vendor Specific SMART Attributes with Thresholds:
  1 Raw_Read_Error_Rate     0x002f   200   200   051    Pre-fail  Always       -       6
  3 Spin_Up_Time            0x0027   253   185   021    Pre-fail  Always       -       1341
  4 Start_Stop_Count        0x0032   094   094   000    Old_age   Always       -       6251
  5 Reallocated_Sector_Ct   0x0033   200   200   140    Pre-fail  Always       -       0
  7 Seek_Error_Rate         0x002f   200   200   051    Pre-fail  Always       -       0
  9 Power_On_Hours          0x0032   085   085   000    Old_age   Always       -       11073
 10 Spin_Retry_Count        0x0033   100   100   051    Pre-fail  Always       -       0
 11 Calibration_Retry_Count 0x0032   100   100   000    Old_age   Always       -       0
 12 Power_Cycle_Count       0x0032   094   094   000    Old_age   Always       -       6208
184 End-to-End_Error        0x0033   100   100   097    Pre-fail  Always       -       0
187 Reported_Uncorrect      0x0032   100   100   000    Old_age   Always       -       0
188 Command_Timeout         0x0032   100   097   000    Old_age   Always       -       17180262425
190 Airflow_Temperature_Cel 0x0022   067   057   040    Old_age   Always       -       33 (Min/Max 19/33)
192 Power-Off_Retract_Count 0x0032   200   200   000    Old_age   Always       -       582
193 Load_Cycle_Count        0x0032   199   199   000    Old_age   Always       -       5668
196 Reallocated_Event_Count 0x0032   200   200   000    Old_age   Always       -       0
197 Current_Pending_Sector  0x0032   200   200   000    Old_age   Always       -       0
198 Offline_Uncorrectable   0x0030   200   200   000    Old_age   Offline      -       0
199 UDMA_CRC_Error_Count    0x0032   200   200   000    Old_age   Always       -       1
200 Multi_Zone_Error_Rate   0x0008   200   200   000    Old_age   Offline      -       3

SMART Error Log Version: 1
No Errors Logged

SMART Self-test log structure revision number 1
No self-tests have been logged.  [To run self-tests, use: smartctl -t]

SMART Selective self-test log data structure revision number 1
    1        0        0  Not_testing
    2        0        0  Not_testing
    3        0        0  Not_testing
    4        0        0  Not_testing
    5        0        0  Not_testing
Selective self-test flags (0x0):
  After scanning selected spans, do NOT read-scan remainder of disk.
If Selective self-test is pending on power-up, resume after 0 minute delay.

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