On Wed, Jan 09, 2019 at 08:17:31PM +0530, Pankaj Gupta wrote: > This patch series has implementation for "virtio pmem". > "virtio pmem" is fake persistent memory(nvdimm) in guest > which allows to bypass the guest page cache. This also > implements a VIRTIO based asynchronous flush mechanism. At Pankaj's request I looked at information leak implications of virtio pmem in light of the recent page cache side channels paper (https://arxiv.org/pdf/1901.01161.pdf) - to see what kind of side channels it might create if any. TLDR - I think that depending on the host side implementation there could be some, but this might be addressable by better documentation in both code and spec. The fake dax approach backing the guest memory by a host page cache does seem to have potential issues. For clarity: we are talking about leaking information either to a VM, or within a VM (I did not look into leaks to hypervisor in configurations such as SEV) through host page cache. Leaks into a VM: It seems clear that while pmem allows memory accesses versus read/write with e.g. a block device, from host page cache point of view this doesn't matter much: reads populate cache in the same way as memory faults. Thus ignoring presence of information leaks (which is an interesting question e.g. in light of recent discard support) pmem doesn't seem to be any better or worse for leaking information into a VM. Leaks within VM: Right now pmem seems to bypass the guest page cache completely. Whether pmem memory is then resident in a page cache would be up to the device/host. Assuming that it is, the "Preventing Efficient Eviction while Increasing the System Performance" countermeasure for the page cache side channel attack would appear to become ineffective with pmem. What is suggested is a per-process management of the page cache, and host does not have visibility of processes within a VM. Another possible countermeasure - not discussed in the paper - could be modify the applications to lock the security relevant pages in memory. Again this becomes impractical with pmem as host does not have visibility into that. However note that as long as the only countermeasure linux uses is "Privileged Access" (i.e. blocking mincore) nothing can be done as guest page cache remains as vulnerable as host page cache. Countermeasures: which host-side countermeasures can be designed would depend on which countermeasures are used guest-side - we would need to make sure they are not broken by pmem. For "Preventing Efficient Eviction while Increasing the System Performance" modifying the host implementation to ensure that pmem device bypasses the host page cache would seem to address the security problem.Similarly, ensuring that a real memory device (e.g. DAX, RAM such as hugetlbfs, pmem for nested virt) is used for pmem would make the memory locking countermeasure work. Whether with such limitations the device is still useful performance wise is an open question. These questions probably should be addressed in the documentation, spec and possible qemu code. Severity of the security implications: some people argue that the security implications of the page cache leaks are minor. I do not have an opinion on this: the severity would seem to depend on the specific configuration. Other security implications: recent discussion seems to suggest there are other concerns around e.g. resource management and thus DOS potential. If that's so, it's a matter for a separate discussion as I didn't look into that in depth. Some or all of the above might be based on a misunderstanding of the current pmem code, the whitepaper and linux page cache in general. If so I apologise, do not hesitate to call out any mistakes. Thanks! -- MST