hi linux-ext4 team: we got a easy reproduced issue that during OTA, the storage is Samsung UFS. we will extract the updated file to DDR firstly(buffer_from_ddr), and open the old file something like below /system/bin/hello_app fd = open(" /system/bin/hello_app", O_CREAT|O_WRONLY|O_TRUNC,0755); write(fd, buffer_from_ddr, len) close(fd) after all required files were updated, do a sync command. but we found some of the files is corrupted sometimes. we compared the success and failure found that below pattern f30a EXT4_EXT_MAGIC were in the failure file data block. which should be expected to in inode table extent info. 0004000 is the address in hex editor, this is not always same. 0004000 f30a 0004 0154 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 do you have some debug suggest to check how a extent looks like info write to a ext4 file data block ? -- Best regards Kassey