Re: [PATCH v1 00/30] Ext4 snapshots

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On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 3:59 PM, Lukas Czerner <lczerner@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Thu, 9 Jun 2011, Amir G. wrote:
>> On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 11:46 AM, Lukas Czerner <lczerner@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> > On Thu, 9 Jun 2011, Amir G. wrote:
>> >
>> >> On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 9:50 AM, Lukas Czerner <lczerner@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> >> > On Thu, 9 Jun 2011, Yongqiang Yang wrote:
>> >> >
>> >> >> On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 11:18 AM, Amir G. <amir73il@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> >> >> > On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 4:59 AM, Yongqiang Yang <xiaoqiangnk@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> >> >> >>> But I do understand the difference. And also, when it comes to fs level
>> >> >> >>> snapshotting I would suspect that it would do something we can not do
>> >> >> >>> with the current solutions, for example per-file or per-directory snapshots,
>> >> >> >>> cat ext4 snapshots do that ?
>> >> >> >> Hi Lukas,
>> >> >> >>
>> >> >> >> I noticed that there is no answer to this question in the thread.  I
>> >> >> >
>> >> >> > I think I answered this question with No it can't ;-)
>> >> >> I think this can be implemented easily by chattr and adding check in
>> >> >> should_snapshot() or should_move_data().
>> >> >>
>> >> >> And I thought Lukas are focusing on if ext4-snapshots can do this
>> >> >> easily.  So i said YES:-)
>> >> >
>> >> > Cool, finally something interesting :). So, how it'll work ? Does that
>> >> > require any format changes again:) ? Can you exclude the whole root and
>> >> > then selectively pick the directories or files you are interested in ?
>> >>
>> >> The design is actually very simple and not as powerful as you
>> >> probably desire.
>> >> I hate to get into the design of future features, when we haven't
>> >> even ACKed the current feature yet, but since you're the only one
>> >> did any review, I owe you that much ;-)
>> >
>> > Thanks Amir!
>> >
>> > You have to understand that I am still not convinced that ext4 snapshot
>> > in its current state is really what we want to have in ext4. Especially
>> > given the very basic features it provides, without any knowledge on how
>> > it can be extended (but you're slowly providing that information, so
>> > thanks for that). And especially facing the new dm-multisnap, I really
>> > wonder if it is worth it.
>> Did you not see my post on LVM vs. Ext4 snapshots?
>> dm-multisnap is much better than dm-snap, but it's not perfect.
>> And ext4 snapshots aren't perfect either, but they do bring some
>> new interesting options for sys admins.
>> >
>> > If we want filesystem level snapshotting we can try to do it right with
>> > all the benefits that snapshots on that level brings. But what I see
>> > now, is not even remotely the case. And I have the feeling that all the
>> > features that might be interesting for snapshotting at file system
>> > level, are just a hack and not inherent from the design. But that is
>> > probably because your goal was to snapshot the whole filesystem for the
>> > backup purposes, but that's not what I would expect from fs level
>> > snapshots. I really hope you understand my point.
>> >
>> I think I understand the point. The reason that ext4 snapshots are
>> less powerful then, say, btrfs snapshots, is not because of my design,
>> it is because I was building on top a 20 year old on-disk format (ext2), which
>> was extended 2 times already, but remained mostly backwards compatible.
>> There is only so much you can do without block reference counts and this
>> is all that I was trying to do.
> And I can imagine it works well enough. But given that we have better,
> more generic solution, which does not require hacking stable filesystem
> I am becoming more and more against ext4 snapshots to be merged. And if
> anyone wishes to have some fancy fs level snapshoting features (which
> ext4 snapshots can no provide from the resons you have pointed out), you
> can always turn to btrfs, which has been designed that way unlike ext4.
>> >>
>> >> To exclude a file from snapshot it needs to have the NOCOW_FL flag.
>> >> Ironically, btrfs have already added that flag in parallel to me (for the
>> >> same purpose) so the flag it is already reserved in the code :-)
>> >>
>> >> To avoid some transition issues and keep it really simple,
>> >> I disallow changing the NOCOW_FL
>> >> for regular file and only allow to change it for directories.
>> >> The NOCOW_FL is inherited from the parent directory,
>> >> so setting/clearing the flag on a directory means:
>> >> "All files/subdirs will be created excluded/not-excluded from now on".
>> >>
>> >> Inside the snapshot image, excluded directories, which are not really
>> >> excluded, show normally, but excluded files are shown with zero length,
>> >> because making the files disappear is hard, but their blocks may have already
>> >> been reused, so we cannot allow access to them.
>> >>
>> >> >
>> >> > How does rollback work with ext4 snapshots ? Can you selectively roll
>> >> > back one file, or the whole directory subtree even when you're
>> >> > snapshotting more ?
>> >>
>> >> So there is actually no inherent "rollback" feature, not for a file/dir
>> >> and not for the entire fs.
>> >> It's a drawback of ext4 snapshots, but hey, cp/rsync from snapshot
>> >> still works for file/dir ;-)
>> >> As for full "fs" rollback. A revert tool has been developed (by students),
>> >> which requires an external storage to export the "revert patch".
>> >> This tool is going to be enhanced to use LVM snapshot storage
>> >> and LVM --merge option to implement ext4 "revert to snapshot" with Yum.
>> >
>> > And that is the problem. Because at this level you should be able to do
>> > it without very much trouble, because being at file system level you
>> > should have all the information. Do not get me wrong, I am not saying
>> > that this is easy, but is should be "from design". Exporting the
>> > "revert patch" to the external storage, or exporting snapshot to LVM
>> > format to be able to merge it...that is all just hacks, because the
>> > design itself does not count with that possibility.
>> >
>> The design makes a conscious choice to keep snapshots *inside*
>> the filesystem.
>> This is both an advantage (no need to change on-disk format and checking tools)
>> and disadvantage (you cannot mount a snapshot without mounting the fs first).
> And thats where ext4 snapshots loose. With dm you do not need to change
> on-disk format, tools or filesystem itself, and you can mount the snapshot
> without also mounting the origin.
>> >>
>> >> >
>> >> > You see, when it comes to the full fs snapshots I am not convinced that
>> >> > it is *very* useful, yes it might have some users, but you can alway
>> >> > take the safe way and do lvm snapshots (or better use the new multisnap)
>> >> > for backup, without need to modify stable filesystem code.
>> >> >
>> >>
>> >> You think like a developer. Try talking to some sys admins.
>> >> Especially ones that worked with Solaris/ZFS or NetApp.
>> >> See what they think about snapshots and about the LVM alternative...
>> >> Snapshots have addictive qualities. Ones you've used them, you can't
>> >> go back to not having them.
>> >> Imagine how people used to live before the 'Undo' button and imagine
>> >> that your employer forced you to use an editor without an Undo button.
>> >> This is the kind of feedback I got from sys admins that moved from Solaris
>> >> to Linux.
>> >
>> > Exactly, so if we want fs level snapshots, it should use that
>> > privilege no hack its way to do things like roll back, or
>> > excludes+includes. Ext4 was not meant to work that way, nor was your
>> > snapshots designed to work that way. If we are considering backups only,
>> > because that is what you ext4 snaphosts can provide now, I would prefer
>> > to use LVM. But yes, we all need to know how the new multisnap works
>> > out.
>> >
>> Why do you keep saying 'backup only'?
>> There is a huge difference between having long lived snapshots,
>> like CTERA products have, and temporary snapshot for backup
>> purpose (for which LVM is adequate).
> dm's multisnapshots are designed to be long lived and can be used as
> such.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> > Also, I do not buy the whole argument of "not have to create separate disk
>> >> > space for snapshot". It is actually better for sysadmins, because you
>> >> > have perfect control on what is going on, how much space is used for
>> >> > your snapshots and how much is used by your data. You can always easily
>> >> > extend the snapshot volume, or let it die silently when it is too old
>> >> > and too big.
>> >> >
>> >>
>> >> Seriously, Lukas, talk to sys admins.
>> >> Letting the snapshot die silently is the worst possible thing that a snapshots
>> >> implementation can do (for long lived snapshots).
>> >
>> > Oh, no you misunderstood. Even with your snapshots you'll have to delete
>> > old snapshots someday, because otherwise you'll run out of space. With
>> > LVM however, you have prereserved space for it, so even if your snapshot
>> > volume gets full, it does not affect your filesystem what so ever. And,
>> > as a administrator, you can decide whether to extend the snapshot volume
>> > to let it live longer, or just let it be and it will die eventually.
>> >
>> > And, as far as I know, the new multisnap will notify the admin when the
>> > snapshot volume approaches the watermark the same way that for example
>> > thinly provisioned storage would do. But again, with your snapshots it
>> > will give you ENOSPC when the snapshot grow too big, and at the end
>> > of the day, you need to create data to be able to backup it:), so having
>> > snapshots separate from your fs volume makes sense.
>> >
>> Yes, one day you will run out of space and will be getting a warning
>> before that, if you are using a CTERA product.
>> You won't be getting the warning from the kernel snapshots code, but from
>> disk space monitoring daemon.
>> And when you get the warning (or ENOSPC if you ignored the warnings)
>> you will have 2 options:
>> 1. add disks and resize the fs
>> 2. delete some snapshots
>> When using a CTERA product, you not have to pre-partition your disk
>> space between fs and snapshots - they are thinly provisioned, which
>> is a big advantage for a product which does not require being an IT expert to
>> operate it.
> dm multisnapshot code is using thin provisioning, you just have to pick
> the volume and that's it.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> > How does it actually work on ext4 snapshots ? When you're going to
>> >> > rewrite a file, you will never know how much disk space it'll take in
>> >> > advance, am I right ? Is the filesystem accounting for the snapshot size
>> >> > as well ? or is it hidden ?
>> >>
>> >> It's not hidden, it's accounted for as a regular file (usually owned by root).
>> >> You need a bit of scripting to gather the disk space used by snapshots (du).
>> >>
>> >> In ANY snapshots implementation, you can get ENOSPC on operations,
>> >> which traditionally could not produce this error.
>> >> This statement is also true for thin provisioning implementations.
>> >> The question is how the implementation handles these situations.
>> >>
>> >> What I came to realize on LSF, is that my implementation is the only
>> >> one (of LVM and btrfs) that tries to deal with the ENOSPC issue and
>> >> does a good job most of the time.
>> >>
>> >> I deal with it by reserving space for metadata COW on snapshot
>> >> take, so if a future ENOSPC during metadata COW is possible,
>> >> snapshot take will fail with ENOSPC.
>> >>
>> >> As for ENOSPC during regular file rewrite, that's not such a big problem.
>> >> The application simply gets ENOSPC as if the file was sparse to begin
>> >> with. It may not be pleasant if the application have fallocated the space
>> >> and used mmap/close without msync...
>> >> The only way I see around this issue is reserving space on mmap time
>> >> (and returning ENOSPC at that time), but again, this issue is shared
>> >> with btrfs, but is easier to fix (I think) with ext4 snapshots.
>> >
>> > Yes, I do understand that ext4 snaphosts are doing well in that aspect,
>> > but as I said, having snapshots separate from your file system gives
>> > you advantage of not running into ENOSPC on your file system until you
>> > really fill it with data.
>> It should be, as David wrote, a choice to the sys admin.
>> Because ext4 snapshots are thinly provisioned, you can always say
>> "use 10% for snapshots and 90% for data" (like you would with LVM),
>> But you cannot say "reserve 10% for snapshots 50% for data and the
>> rest to either" when you administer LVM snapshots.
> I am not sure how can this be managed with multisnap target, but I do
> not see a reason why it can not be done, given that both data and
> snapshots can be allocated from within the same pool.
>> You are confusing user functionality with functionality provided by the kernel.
>> LVM happens to check water marks in the kernel because of it's design.
>> That doesn't mean that the same thing cannot be accomplished for ext4
>> snapshots by user tools.
> That was not my point, I was simply saying that it is not ext4 snapshots
> advantage.
>> >
>> > Granted, I have to take a look at the multisnap code, to see what it can
>> > do and compare it with ext4 snapshots, because really, if it is good
>> > enough and you will be able to do snapshotting backups as you do with
>> > your approach, I do not see the reason why to complicate our life in
>> > ext4.
>> >
>> I don't know how you intend to determine if dm-multisnap is 'good enough'.
>> I don't claim to have the capability myself to determine if ext4 snapshots
>> are 'good enough'.
>> I just try to present the technical differences between the 3 solutions
>> (LVM,ext4,btrfs) and claim that each have their advantages and disadvantages
>> over others.
>> I wish more sys admins and end users would provide feedback, though I don't
>> know how many of them are following LKML.
> I do. When it can do long lived snapshots without any obvious headaches
> it is good enough. Your only contra argument was that lvm snapshotting
> is slow, which is not that big argument now when we have multisnap
> almost ready. I am not even talking about features, because clearly
> mutlisnap has superset of the features that ext4 does - no I am not
> counting per-file or per-directory snapshotting because clearly those
> are just hacks and it was not designed that way.

Hi Lukas,

I am very glad to have you as my reviewer and critic :-)
I am saying that with all honesty, because I know that you are impartial
and have no anti-ext4 agenda.

LVM multisnap does look like a big leap forward, but you should not
be blinded by the promised feature, before you inspect the implementation,
the same as you are doing to ext4 snapshots now...

I could suggest that you put your root fs on a QCOW2 file exported as NBD.
That would give you both thin provisioning and snapshots, but you know
perfectly well, that this is not a 'good enough' solution.
I'm not saying that LVM is comparable to QCOW2 virtual volume.
I'm just saying we (included myself) should carefully examine the alternatives
before make a ruling against one of them.

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