Dear developers of ext[23] filesystems. I have one problem and I would like to know how execly is working ext3 filesystem. I red a lot of ext3 document, man pages and paper from internet. I tried make experiment but it didn't work so I am writting to you. This is the situation what I would like to do: [I made my experiment on ram disk - so I show you my solutions] HD [RAM0]-> Ext3 formatted mkfs.ext3 -vm0 -j SIZE /dev/ram0 mount options: mount -orw,commit=TIME,data=journal /dev/ram0 /mnt/ram_ext3_test And now: SIZE == 1 (The size of journal-size should be 1MB ??? Is it correct (debian man tune2fs, mkfs.ext3) TIME == 120 (is sec - so it means that data from journal system will be send do HDD(RAM) after 2 min) TIME is working property SIZE - I have problem - I am writting data to file system - but I wrote less that 1MB and ext3 save it from journal to harddrive. And my real question is: How execly works ext3 ?? I think like that: SAVE DATA TO FS --->> [EXT3] Stored data in journal system (but on HD) ---->>> [EXT3] after TIME or SIZE move data from journal into real place on HD Is it correct ?? But is it possible something like that?? SAVA DATA TO FS --->> [EXT3] Stored data in ramdisk (journal file) ->>> [EXT3] after TIME or SIZE move data from journal (RAM) into real place on hd ?? I red this information in man mkfs.ext3 (-J option: device), but with my knowlage and english (is not perfect :)... I don't execly understand how it is works. Thank you for your time and your answer. Marcin Praczko - To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-ext4" in the body of a message to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx More majordomo info at