I have a bridge working between a wired Ethernet and a Wifi interface. However, it takes 80 seconds before it actually starts passing data. I tried to reduce this learning delay by minimizing the forwarding delay: brctl setfd br0 0 But the above has zero effect on the 80 second delay before participation. I have tried with both STP on and off, and there is no difference. What am I doing wrong? Also, how can I get the current setting of forwarding delay and other bridge parameters that the brctl utility allows me to set? Why doesn't the brctl utility have a 'get' corollary for each 'set' command? For example, I would like to see a 'getfd' command added to the brctl utility. Thanks, -Chris -- | Christopher Cole, Cole Design and Development, LLC cole@xxxxxxxxxx | | Embedded Software Development and Electronic Design http://coledd.com | | Stow, Ohio, USA 1-800-518-2154 | _______________________________________________ Bridge mailing list Bridge@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/mailman/listinfo/bridge