In this month's Linux Foundation newsletter: * New Linux Foundation User Survey Shows Linux to Achieve Significant Gains * New Open Compliance Resources Available * Linux Kernel Summit & Plumbers Conferences Are Coming Up * Aava Mobile, Insprit and OpenLogic Join The Linux Foundation * The Linux Foundation in the News * Upcoming Training Opportunities ==> New Linux Foundation User Survey Shows Linux to Achieve Significant Gains <== The Linux Foundation recently published a new report: “Linux Adoption Trends: A Survey of Enterprise End Users.” According to data collected from the world's largest enterprises, Linux is poised to take significant market share from Unix and Windows, is becoming more mission critical in the enterprise and more strategic to the CIO. The data in the report reflects the results of an invitation-only survey of The Linux Foundation’s Enterprise End User Council as well as other companies and government organizations. The survey was conducted by The Linux Foundation in partnership with Yeoman Technology Group and received responses from more than 1900 individuals, which were filtered to analyze the data from among the world's largest organizations. Key findings from the report include: • 79.4 percent of companies are adding more Linux relative to other operating systems in the next five years. • More people are reporting that their Linux deployments are migrations from Windows than any other platform, including Unix migrations. 66 percent of users surveyed say that their Linux deployments are brand new (“Greenfield”) deployments. • Among the early adopters who are operating in cloud environments, 70.3 percent use Linux as their primary platform, while only 18.3 percent use Windows. • 60.2 percent of respondents say they will use Linux for more mission-critical workloads over the next 12 months. • 86.5 percent of respondents report that Linux is improving and 58.4 percent say their CIOs see Linux as more strategic to the organization as compared to three years ago. • Drivers for Linux adoption extend beyond cost: technical superiority is the primary driver, followed by cost and then security. • The growth in Linux, as demonstrated by this report, is leading companies to increasingly seek Linux IT professionals, with 38.3 percent of respondents citing a lack of Linux talent as one of their main concerns related to the platform. • Users participate in Linux development in three primary ways: testing and submitting bugs (37.5 percent), working with vendors (30.7 percent) and participating in The Linux Foundation activities (26.0 percent). To download the full report, please visit: ==> New Open Compliance Resources Available <== The Linux Foundation's latest white paper in its series on Open Compliance is available now. It is titled "A Glimpse Into Recommended Practices in a FOSS Compliance Management Process." This paper is available in two parts: part one covers recommended practices that map to the various steps within a FOSS compliance management end-to-end process. Part two will follow (in the November time frame) with emphasis on FOSS compliance considerations in relation to source code modifications, notices, distribution, software design, usage, linkages and code mixing. Also, the Self-Assessment Checklist will be available the week of November 1, 2010. It will be a free download and consists of an extensive checklist of compliance practices found in industry-leading compliance programs. Companies can use the Self-Assessment Checklist as a confidential, internal tool to assess their progress in implementing a rigorous compliance process and help them prioritize their process improvement efforts. To request a copy, please visit: For more information on our latest Open Compliance resources, visit Amanda McPherson's blog: ==> Linux Kernel Summit & Plumbers Conferences Are Coming Up <== The Linux Kernel Summit is taking place November 1-2, 2010 in Cambridge, MA. The event brings together the world's leading core kernel developers to discuss the state of the existing kernel and plan the next development cycle. This two-day conference is invitation-only and focuses on development and innovation through sessions and workshops that encourage interaction and discussion between kernel developers and industry leaders. The Linux Plumber's Conference follows the Summit on November 3-4, 2010: ==> Aava Mobile, Insprit and OpenLogic Join The Linux Foundation <== Three new companies joined The Linux Foundation this month. * Aava Mobile is a maker of open device reference platform looks to Linux collaboration for new smartphones and tablets and is participating in the MeeGo project with specific emphasis around x86-based devices and the mobile user interface. * Korea's leader in mobile convergence technologies and devices, Insprit, is joining The Linux Foundation to collaborate on Linux development and to provide technical contributions to Android, MeeGo and other Linux-based mobile platforms that will fuel both next-generation devices and networks. * OpenLogic was one of the founding members of FOSSBazaar, a Linux Foundation workgroup dedicated to open source governance. Today, the company is contributing to The Linux Foundation’s Open Compliance Program (which includes FOSSBazaar) and is actively involved with work on the SPDX data exchange standard used for sharing software bill of materials. ==> The Linux Foundation in the News <== Defenders of Free Software The New York Times Linux Eats Microsoft's Lunch in Servers GigaOm Windows to Linux Defections to Outpace Unix Shifts in 2011 The Register Reports of Linux's Desktop Death are Premature PCWorld Survey Says! Linux Fits into Long-Range Plans for Business Ostatic ==> Upcoming Training Opportunities from The Linux Foundation <== LF320: Linux Kernel Internals and Debugging December 13-17, 2010 ------------------------------ Lf-announce mailing list: Lf-announce@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ------------------------------ - To unsubscribe: _______________________________________________ Lf-announce mailing list Lf-announce@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx _______________________________________________ Lf-announce mailing list Lf-announce@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx