On Wed, 3 Dec 2008 18:47:14 +0100Christian Salgado González <chrisalga@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > Hi Stephen,> > My name is Christian Salgado, I am studying computer engeneering, this is my last year and I am doing my final Project.> I have sent you a previous email, but I think that you have not understood my problem. I will try to explain you: > (3 pcs)> I have a Pc,called "switch" running brctl(3 interfaces: 2 ethernet and one wifi card, ath0, using Mafwifi). > Other Pc,called client Pc, with two interfaces(wlan0 and eth0),at this computer I have ifenslave bounding both interfaces. > A pc called server.> When I send a media stream from the server to the client, through the switch(brctl), Ifenslave makes load balancing (mode 0 is the only one which I am able to use). To know when ifenslave change the operation interface I have used wireshark. It is very simply, when the client receive a ping request ifenslave answer it one time on eth0 and the next on wlan0. Then brctl learn which is the interface to forward the data.> > I think that changing the interface sending a ping is not a good way of doing things. This is the reason why I am writing to you.> Please, correct me if I am wrong, but I think that brctl join the interfaces assigning the same port number to both interfaces.> 1 00:11:22:33:44:55 yes 0.00> 1 00:aa:ff:ff:ff:ff no 5.81 Two interfaces should never have same port number (at least as far as bridge isconcerned). > 2 00:11:11:11:11:11 yes 0.00> > > For example in the previous table there is a connection between the 2 first interfaces.> > Could be possible change the port number of 00:aa:....:ff to 2 ? Port number only matters to STP, which you probably are not using. > > In that case it will be on the same network as 00:11...:11, isn't it?? Two active interfaces on same network with bridge is equivalent to forwardingloop. You need to run STP, and have only one active interface. > I have been looking at the code of brtcl and I have found the struc fdb. What do you think that it is the best way of doing it??> Yes you can go do what you want with the code, but this is really oneof those: "I think I can hack the bridge code to do my own personalidea of special case routing" My answer to this is: "have fun, tell us what you find out, don't expect any support"_______________________________________________Bridge mailing listBridge@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx://lists.linux-foundation.org/mailman/listinfo/bridge