Hello people! Sorry if this is a bit off-topic, but I was not able to find a more appropriate mailing list for this. I would like to set forwarding rule entries in an ethernet switch, with snmp. Problem is, it works with the D-link web-manager and terminal, but not with snmp. I'd be happy if you could point me to a more appropriate list too :D dot1qStaticUnicastTable stores the per-vlan entries I wish to fill (da-mac address, etc), but when I try to use something like: #snmpset -c private -v2c . x 00004000 (the 00004000 egress ports for the 4 numbered vlan for the mac, for all ports (0 at end) ) I get a "non-writeable" error, contrary to what the q-brigde-mib rfc says of this entry. (read-write) The same value can be read back after it is set with other methods, so it shall be working. My guess is that I shall set another variable somewhere, but I can't find it. I use net-snmp, worked for many stuff fine, so the problem is not there. Any suggestions? Someone tried to set static forwarding rules with 802.1q? Thanks for help, Ferenc Pintér __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com