Hi @all, I have a strange problem. Here is the setup: I have a bridging linux box with 3 NICs (Intel e1000). 1 NIC (eth0) connected to the internet interface and the other both (eth1 and eth2) are each connected to a different switch in the bridged network. I setup bonding (bond0) with active failover for eth1 and eth2. Then I added eth0 and bond0 to br0 and brought it up with an ip. I am able to ping into the internet and I can also ping servers in the bridged network from my bridging linux box. internet---bridging box---bridged network br0 eth0 bond0 But if I try to ping from the internet via the bridging box to the bridged network, I get a "host not reachable". Looks like the bridge does not forward anything. Has anybody ever had an equal problem or are there other possible solutions for my setup? I have tried to add the 3 interfaces to the br0, but this did not work either (amnd as far as I kniow there is no auto failover for bridge ports). Could someone please advise me or give me some tips, so that I can track down the problem? Thanks in advance :) Best, Alex Versions: Dist debian sarge Bonding Driver, v2.6.0 Kernel 2.4.31 bridge-utils, 1.0.4