Hello, this is the fifth version of the analyze_initcall_debug.py script, which can be used to analyze the kernel output when booting with initcall_debug to extract some human-readable data from it. This version brings a "compare" option to highlight differences against a dmesg acting as baseline, as well as an overall re-organization and several enhancements (special thanks to Brian Masney for the review on the previous version). The script is now also available on a dedicated git repository [1], where examples can also be found (both for text and HTML output). Regards, Francesco [1] https://codeberg.org/fvalla/boottime-tools --- v4: https://lore.kernel.org/linux-embedded/4927911.OV4Wx5bFTl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/ v3: https://lore.kernel.org/linux-embedded/5640944.lGaqSPkdTl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/ v2: https://lore.kernel.org/linux-embedded/1955396.7Z3S40VBb9@fedora/ v1: https://lore.kernel.org/linux-embedded/1964175.7Z3S40VBb9@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/ Differences v4 -> v5: - added a new "compare" mode - errors are now reported using names as well as codes - added commas as thousands separators - added top ten causes of probe deferrals to text output - added GPLv2 license - misc fixes Differences v3 -> v4: - added a SVG bootchart that includes probes and initcalls - cosmetic fixes Differences v3 -> v4: - added a SVG bootchart that includes probes and initcalls - cosmetic fixes Differences v2 -> v3: - initcalls and probes have been split in different tables - added identification section (kernel version, machine, cmdline) - added SVG pie charts for initcalls and probes times to the HTML output - CSS styling added to HTML output - added the --before-init option to restrict analysis to the events that happen before the init is started - Markdown output has been dropped Differences v1 -> v2: - added a list of failed driver probes in the plain text output - added a preliminary comparison on read lines to avoid false negatives in regex-based matches - added the --body-only option to output only the raw HTML body - use of dictionaries instead of filter() constructs ------ the analyze_initcall_debug.py script follows ------ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only # # (c) 2024-2025 Francesco Valla <francesco@xxxxxxxx> # """ This script can be used to analyze a Linux kernel dmesg output when the initcall_debug command line output is used. It extracts various information, such as initcall durations, impact of probe deferrals and so on. """ import random import re import sys from typing import Generator, Optional, TextIO VERSION = '1.0.0' # Configuration of boot chart SVG graphics SCALE_SIZE = 25 MARGIN_SIZE = 5 INITCALL_SIZE = 100 PROBE_SIZE = 50 SCALING_US_DIV = 100 ERRCODES = { "EPERM" : 1, "ENOENT" : 2, "ESRCH" : 3, "EINTR" : 4, "EIO" : 5, "ENXIO" : 6, "E2BIG" : 7, "ENOEXEC" : 8, "EBADF" : 9, "ECHILD" : 10, "EAGAIN" : 11, "ENOMEM" : 12, "EACCES" : 13, "EFAULT" : 14, "ENOTBLK" : 15, "EBUSY" : 16, "EEXIST" : 17, "EXDEV" : 18, "ENODEV" : 19, "ENOTDIR" : 20, "EISDIR" : 21, "EINVAL" : 22, "ENFILE" : 23, "EMFILE" : 24, "ENOTTY" : 25, "ETXTBSY" : 26, "EFBIG" : 27, "ENOSPC" : 28, "ESPIPE" : 29, "EROFS" : 30, "EMLINK" : 31, "EPIPE" : 32, "EDOM" : 33, "ERANGE" : 34, "EDEADLK" : 35, "ENAMETOOLONG" : 36, "ENOLCK" : 37, "ENOSYS" : 38, "ENOTEMPTY" : 39, "ELOOP" : 40, "ENOMSG" : 42, "EIDRM" : 43, "ECHRNG" : 44, "EL2NSYNC" : 45, "EL3HLT" : 46, "EL3RST" : 47, "ELNRNG" : 48, "EUNATCH" : 49, "ENOCSI" : 50, "EL2HLT" : 51, "EBADE" : 52, "EBADR" : 53, "EXFULL" : 54, "ENOANO" : 55, "EBADRQC" : 56, "EBADSLT" : 57, "EBFONT" : 59, "ENOSTR" : 60, "ENODATA" : 61, "ETIME" : 62, "ENOSR" : 63, "ENONET" : 64, "ENOPKG" : 65, "EREMOTE" : 66, "ENOLINK" : 67, "EADV" : 68, "ESRMNT" : 69, "ECOMM" : 70, "EPROTO" : 71, "EMULTIHOP" : 72, "EDOTDOT" : 73, "EBADMSG" : 74, "EOVERFLOW" : 75, "ENOTUNIQ" : 76, "EBADFD" : 77, "EREMCHG" : 78, "ELIBACC" : 79, "ELIBBAD" : 80, "ELIBSCN" : 81, "ELIBMAX" : 82,"ELIBEXEC" : 83, "EILSEQ" : 84, "ERESTART" : 85, "ESTRPIPE" : 86, "EUSERS" : 87, "ENOTSOCK" : 88, "EDESTADDRREQ" : 89, "EMSGSIZE" : 90, "EPROTOTYPE" : 91, "ENOPROTOOPT" : 92, "EPROTONOSUPPORT" : 93, "ESOCKTNOSUPPORT" : 94, "EOPNOTSUPP" : 95, "EPFNOSUPPORT" : 96, "EAFNOSUPPORT" : 97, "EADDRINUSE" : 98, "EADDRNOTAVAIL" : 99, "ENETDOWN" : 100, "ENETUNREACH" : 101, "ENETRESET" : 102, "ECONNABORTED" : 103, "ECONNRESET" : 104, "ENOBUFS" : 105, "EISCONN" : 106, "ENOTCONN" : 107, "ESHUTDOWN" : 108, "ETOOMANYREFS" : 109, "ETIMEDOUT" : 110, "ECONNREFUSED" : 111, "EHOSTDOWN" : 112, "EHOSTUNREACH" : 113, "EALREADY" : 114, "EINPROGRESS" : 115, "ESTALE" : 116, "EUCLEAN" : 117, "ENOTNAM" : 118, "ENAVAIL" : 119, "EISNAM" : 120, "EREMOTEIO" : 121, "EDQUOT" : 122, "ENOMEDIUM" : 123, "EMEDIUMTYPE" : 124, "ECANCELED" : 125, "ENOKEY" : 126, "EKEYEXPIRED" : 127, "EKEYREVOKED" : 128, "EKEYREJECTED" : 129, "EOWNERDEAD" : 130, "ENOTRECOVERABLE" : 131, "ERFKILL" : 132, "EHWPOISON" : 133, "ERESTARTSYS" : 512, "ERESTARTNOINTR" : 513, "ERESTARTNOHAND" : 514, "ENOIOCTLCMD" : 515, "ERESTART_RESTARTBLOCK" : 516, "EPROBE_DEFER" : 517, "EOPENSTALE" : 518, "ENOPARAM" : 519, "EBADHANDLE" : 521, "ENOTSYNC" : 522, "EBADCOOKIE" : 523, "ENOTSUPP" : 524, "ETOOSMALL" : 525, "ESERVERFAULT" : 526, "EBADTYPE" : 527, "EJUKEBOX" : 528, "EIOCBQUEUED" : 529, "ERECALLCONFLICT" : 530, "ENOGRACE" : 531, } def err_name(errcode: int): """ Transform numeric error code into error name """ for key,val in ERRCODES.items(): if abs(errcode) == val: return key return 'UNKNOWN' def print_duration(_duration: int, scale: int = 1, unit: str = ''): """ Print duration with pretty format (i.e.: with thousands separators) """ return f"{_duration // scale:,}{unit:s}" def print_duration_diff(_baseline: int, _duration: int, scale: int = 1, unit: str = ''): """ Print duration difference with pretty format (i.e.: with thousands separators) """ return f"{(_duration - _baseline) // scale:+,}{unit:s}" class Run: """ Single run of a runnable entity. """ def __init__(self, _start_time:int, _end_time:int = -1, _duration:int = 0, _retval:int = 0): self._start_time = _start_time self._end_time = _end_time self._duration = _duration self._retval = _retval self._ended = _end_time >= 0 @property def start_time(self) -> int: """ Start time of the run, in microseconds. """ return self._start_time @property def end_time(self) -> int: """ End time of the run, in microseconds. """ return self._end_time @end_time.setter def end_time(self, _time:int): self._end_time = _time self._ended = True @property def duration(self) -> int: """ Duration of the run, in microseconds. """ return self._duration @duration.setter def duration(self, _time:int): self._duration = _time @property def retval(self) -> int: """ Return value for the run. """ return self._retval @retval.setter def retval(self, val:int): self._retval = val @property def running(self) -> bool: """ Whether the run is still running at the end of the data sampling. """ return not self._ended @property def failed(self) -> bool: """ Whether the run has failed (i.e., its return code is not zero). """ return ((self.retval != 0) and not self.running) def running_at(self, _time: int) -> bool: """ Whether the run is running at the given time. """ return (self.start_time < _time and (self._end_time > _time or not self._ended)) class Entity: """ Generic runnable entity. """ def __init__(self, _name:str, _start_time:int = 0, _end_time:int = 0, _duration:int = 0, _retval:int = 0): self._name = _name self._color = (random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255)) self._runs = [ Run(_start_time, _end_time, _duration, _retval) ] @property def name(self) -> str: """ Name of the runnable entity. """ return self._name @property def color(self) -> tuple[int, int, int]: """ Color associated to the entity. """ return self._color @property def first_start_time(self) -> int: """ Start time of the first run of the entity. """ return self._runs[0].start_time @property def last_start_time(self) -> int: """ Start time of the last run of the entity. """ return self._runs[-1].start_time @property def first_end_time(self) -> int: """ End time of the first run of the entity. """ return self._runs[0].end_time @property def last_end_time(self) -> int: """ End time of the last run of the entity. """ return self._runs[-1].end_time @property def duration(self) -> int: """ Sum of the durations of all the runs for the entity. """ return sum(r.duration for r in self._runs) @property def wasted_time(self) -> int: """ Sum of the durations of all the failed runs for the entity. """ return sum(r.duration for r in filter(lambda x: x.failed or abs(x.retval) == ERRCODES['EPROBE_DEFER'], self._runs)) @property def retval(self) -> int: """ Return value of the last run. """ return self._runs[-1].retval @property def failed(self) -> bool: """ Wheter the last run has failed. """ return self._runs[-1].failed @property def running(self) -> bool: """ Wheter the last run is still running. """ return self._runs[-1].running def running_at(self, _time: int) -> bool: """ Wheter the entity was running at the given time. """ for _r in self.runs: if _r.start_time <= _time < _r.end_time: return True return False @property def runs(self) -> Generator[Run]: """ Raw access to the runs for the entity. """ yield from self._runs class Initcall (Entity): """ Driver initcall. """ def __init__(self, _name: str, _start_time: int, _module: str = None): super().__init__(_name, _start_time) self._module = _module def add_start(self, start_time: int): """ Add initcall start. """ self._runs.append(Run(start_time)) def add_end(self, _end_time:int = 0, _duration:int = 0, _retval:int = 0): """ Add initcall end. """ self._runs[-1].end_time = _end_time self._runs[-1].duration = _duration self._runs[-1].retval = _retval @property def module(self) -> str: """ Module the initcall has run from (None if built-in). """ return self._module class Probe (Entity): """ Device probe. """ def __init__(self, _name: str, _start_time: int, _duration: int = 0, _retval: int = 0): super().__init__(_name, _start_time, _start_time + _duration, _duration, _retval) def add_run(self, _start_time: int, _end_time:int = 0, _duration:int = 0, _retval:int = 0): """ Add probe iteration. """ self._runs.append(Run(_start_time, _end_time, _duration, _retval)) @property def deferred_probe_pending(self) -> bool: """ Wheter a deferred probe is pending for the device. """ return abs(self._runs[-1].retval) == ERRCODES['EPROBE_DEFER'] @property def num_deferred_probes(self) -> int: """ Number of deferred probe for the device. """ return len(list(filter(lambda r: abs(r.retval) == ERRCODES['EPROBE_DEFER'], self._runs))) class Init (Entity): """ Init process execution. """ def __init__(self, _name: str, _start_time: int): super().__init__(_name, _start_time) class Data: """ Data storage. """ def __init__(self): self._initcalls = {} self._probes = {} self._init = None self._version = 'Unknown' self._machine = 'Unknown' self._cmdline = 'Unknown' @property def initcalls(self) -> Generator[Initcall]: """ Driver initcalls. """ yield from self._initcalls.values() @property def probes(self) -> Generator[Probe]: """ Device probes. """ yield from self._probes.values() @property def init(self) -> Init: """ Init invocation. """ return self._init @property def version(self) -> str: """ Kernel version. """ return self._version @version.setter def version(self, _version: str): self._version = _version @property def machine(self) -> str: """ Machine the kernel is executing on. """ return self._machine @machine.setter def machine(self, _machine: str): self._machine = _machine @property def cmdline(self) -> str: """ Kernel command line. """ return self._cmdline @cmdline.setter def cmdline(self, _cmdline: str): self._cmdline = _cmdline def add_initcall_start(self, _name: str, _time: int, _module): """ Add initcall start to the data storage. """ if _name not in self._initcalls: self._initcalls[_name] = Initcall(_name, _time, _module) else: self._initcalls[_name].add_start(_time) def add_initcall_return(self, _name: str, _time: int, _duration: int, _retval: int): """ Add initcall return to the data storage. """ if _name in self._initcalls: self._initcalls[_name].add_end(_time, _duration, _retval) def add_probe_return(self, _name: str, _end_time: int, _duration: int, _retval: int): """ Add probe return to the data storage. """ start_time = _end_time - _duration if _name not in self._probes: self._probes[_name] = Probe(_name, start_time, _duration, _retval) else: self._probes[_name].add_run(start_time, _end_time, _duration, _retval) def add_init_invocation(self, _name: str, _time: int): """ Add init invocation to the data storage. """ self._init = Init(_name, _time) @property def num_initcalls(self) -> int: """ Number of initcalls inside the data storage. """ return len(self._initcalls) def has_initcalls(self) -> bool: """ At least one initcall has been added to the data storage. """ return len(self._initcalls) > 0 def get_initcall(self, _name: str) -> Optional[Initcall]: """ Return initcall with given name. """ return self._initcalls.get(_name, None) @property def num_probes(self) -> int: """ Number of probes inside the data storage. """ return len(self._probes) def has_probes(self) -> bool: """ At least one probe has been added to the data storage. """ return len(self._probes) > 0 def get_probe(self, _name: str) -> Optional[Probe]: """ Return probe with given name. """ return self._probes.get(_name, None) def probes_running_at(self, _time: int) -> Generator[Probe]: """ Probes running at the given time. """ return filter(lambda k: k.running_at(_time), self._probes.values()) def num_probes_running_at(self, _time: int) -> int: """ Number of probes running at the given time. """ return len(list(self.probes_running_at(_time))) @property def num_deferred_probes_pending(self) -> int: """ Number of pending deferred probes. """ return len(list(filter(lambda d: d.deferred_probe_pending, self._probes.values()))) @property def total_boot_time(self) -> int: """ Total measured kernel boot time (that is, end of last initcall/probe). """ return max(max(k.last_end_time for k in self._initcalls.values()), max(k.last_end_time for k in self._probes.values())) @property def init_start_time(self) -> init: """ Init start time. """ return self._init.last_start_time @property def num_initcalls_before_init(self) -> int: """ Number of initcalls run before init. """ return len(list(filter(lambda d: d.last_start_time <= self.init_start_time, self._initcalls.values()))) @property def num_failed_calls(self) -> int: """ Number of failed calls (either initcalls or probes). """ return len(list(filter(lambda d: d.failed, list(self._initcalls.values()) + list(self._probes.values())))) # Regex for Linux version # "[ 0.000000] Linux version 6.12.0 (oe-user@oe-host) (aarch64-poky-linux-gcc (GCC) 13.3.0, GNU ld (GNU Binutils) #1 SMP PREEMPT Sun Nov 17 22:15:08 UTC 2024" SENTINEL_VERSION = 'Linux version ' version_prog = re.compile(r'\[([0-9\s]+\.[0-9]+)\] Linux version (.+)') # Regex for machine model # "[ 0.000000] Machine model: BeagleBoard.org BeaglePlay" SENTINEL_MACHINE = 'Machine model: ' machine_prog = re.compile(r'\[([0-9\s]+\.[0-9]+)\](?: OF: fdt:)? Machine model: (.+)') # Regex for cmdline # "[ 0.000000] Kernel command line: LABEL=Boot root=PARTUUID=076c4a2a-02 rootfstype=ext4 rootwait log_buf_len=10M initcall_debug quiet" SENTINEL_CMDLINE = 'Kernel command line: ' cmdline_prog = re.compile(r'\[([0-9\s]+\.[0-9]+)\] Kernel command line: (.+)') # Regex for 'calling' messages # "[ 0.466115] calling pci_sysfs_init+0x0/0xa8 @ 1" SENTINEL_CALLING = 'calling ' calling_prog = re.compile(r'\[([0-9\s]+\.[0-9]+)\] calling ([0-9a-zA-Z_]+)\+(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+\/0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)( \[[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+\])? @ ([0-9]+)') # Regex for 'initcall ... returned' messages # "[ 0.466115] initcall pci_sysfs_init+0x0/0xa8 returned 0 after 5 usecs" SENTINEL_INITCALL_RETURN = 'initcall ' returned_prog = re.compile(r'\[([0-9\s]+\.[0-9]+)\] initcall ([0-9a-zA-Z_]+)\+(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+\/0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)( \[[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+\])? returned ([\-0-9]+) after ([0-9]+) usecs') # Regex for 'probe ... returned' messages # "[ 0.466115] probe of cpufreq-dt returned 517 after 140 usec" SENTINEL_PROBE = 'probe of ' probe_prog = re.compile(r'\[([0-9\s]+\.[0-9]+)\] probe of ([0-9a-zA-Z_\-\.\:@]+) returned ([\-0-9]+) after ([0-9]+) usecs') # Regex for # "[ 1.060329] Run /sbin/init as init process" SENTINEL_INIT = 'as init process' init_prog = re.compile(r'\[([0-9\s]+\.[0-9]+)\] Run ([/0-9a-zA-Z_]+) as init process') def output_html(outfile: TextIO, data: Data, compare: Data = Data(), body_only: bool = False): """ Produce HTML output. """ if not body_only: print( ''' <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title>Boot time analysis</title> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" /> <style> footer { font-weight: bold; text-align: center; color: #777777; padding: 1em; } .aid-title { font-weight: bold; font-size: 2em; text-align: center; padding: 0.5em; } .aid-bootchart-container { width: 80%; margin: 0 auto; overflow: auto; } .aid-bootchart-element:hover { stroke: red; } .aid-piechart-container { width: 30%; height: 30%; margin: 0 auto; padding: 1em; } table, th, td { border: 1px solid #000000; border-collapse: collapse; } table { text-align: left; overflow: hidden; width: 80%; margin: 0 auto; display: table; } table th { font-weight: bold; font-size: 1em; text-align: center; } table td, table th { padding: 0.4%; } .aid-status-ok { background-color: #77FF77; } .aid-status-failed { background-color: #FF7777; } .aid-status-deferred { background-color: #FFCC77; } .aid-status-deferred { background-color: #CCCCCC; } .cmp_less { color: #22AA22; } .cmp_more { color: #AA2222; } </style> </head> <body>''', file=outfile) def print_compare_class(_data_value: int, _baseline_value: Optional[int]) -> str: if _baseline_value and _baseline_value != _data_value: return 'cmp_more' if _data_value > _baseline_value else 'cmp_less' return '' def print_compare_diff(_data_value: int, _baseline_value: Optional[int], scale: int = 1, unit: str = '') -> str: if _baseline_value and _baseline_value != _data_value: return f' [{print_duration_diff(_baseline_value, _data_value, scale, unit)}]' return '' # Identification print( f''' <div class="aid-title">Identification & Summary </div> <table> <tr> <td>Linux version</td> <td>{data.version}</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Machine</td> <td>{data.machine}</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Command line</td> <td>{data.cmdline}</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Total boot time</td> <td class="{print_compare_class(data.total_boot_time, compare.total_boot_time if compare.has_initcalls() else None)}"> {print_duration(data.total_boot_time, 1000, "ms")} {print_compare_diff(data.total_boot_time, compare.total_boot_time if compare.has_initcalls() else None, 1000, "ms")} </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Init start time</td> <td class="{print_compare_class(data.init_start_time, compare.init_start_time if compare.has_initcalls() else None)}"> {print_duration(data.init_start_time, 1000, "ms")} {print_compare_diff(data.init_start_time, compare.init_start_time if compare.has_initcalls() else None, 1000, "ms")} </td> </tr> </table> ''', file=outfile) # Boot chart ## Determine the peak number of probes running in parallel max_par_probes = max(max(data.num_probes_running_at(r.start_time) for r in p.runs) for p in data.probes) bootchart_height = SCALE_SIZE + MARGIN_SIZE + INITCALL_SIZE + MARGIN_SIZE + (PROBE_SIZE + MARGIN_SIZE) * max_par_probes bootchart_length = max(max(k.last_end_time for k in data.initcalls), max(k.last_end_time for k in data.probes)) print( f''' <div class="aid-title">Bootchart</div> <div class="aid-bootchart-container" style="height: {min(480, bootchart_height + SCALE_SIZE)}px"> <svg width="{bootchart_length // SCALING_US_DIV}" height="{bootchart_height}"> <style> .small {{ font: bold {SCALE_SIZE / 2}px sans-serif; }} </style> ''', file=outfile) ## Plot scale for n in range(int(bootchart_length / (1000 * 50)) + 1): x = n * (1000 * 50) // SCALING_US_DIV print( f''' <text x="{x}" y="{SCALE_SIZE / 2}" fill="#999999" class="small">{n * 50}ms</text> <line x1="{x}" x2="{x}" y1="{SCALE_SIZE}" y2="{bootchart_height}" stroke="#999999"/> ''', file=outfile) for _ in range(1,5): x += (1000 * 10) // SCALING_US_DIV print( f''' <line x1="{x}" x2="{x}" y1="{SCALE_SIZE}" y2="{bootchart_height}" stroke="#CCCCCC" stroke-dasharray="10,15" /> ''', file=outfile) y_offset = SCALE_SIZE + MARGIN_SIZE ## Plot initcalls (ignore those with duration equal to 0) for d in sorted(list(filter(lambda i: i.duration > 0, data.initcalls)), key=lambda k: k.first_start_time): print( f''' <a href="#aid-initcall-{d.name}"> <rect class="aid-bootchart-element" width="{max(d.duration // SCALING_US_DIV, 1)}" height="{INITCALL_SIZE}" \ x="{d.first_start_time // SCALING_US_DIV}" y="{y_offset}" fill="#{d.color[0]:02X}{d.color[1]:02X}{d.color[2]:02X}"> <title>Initcall: {d.name}</title> </rect> </a> ''', file=outfile) ## Plot initcalls container and label print( f''' <text x="{MARGIN_SIZE}" y="{y_offset + SCALE_SIZE / 2}" fill="#999999" class="small">INITCALLS</text> <line x1="0" y1="{y_offset}" x2="{bootchart_length // SCALING_US_DIV}" y2="{y_offset}" stroke="#555555" /> <line x1="0" y1="{y_offset + INITCALL_SIZE}" x2="{bootchart_length // SCALING_US_DIV}" y2="{y_offset + INITCALL_SIZE}" stroke="#555555" /> ''', file=outfile) ## Plot probes if data.has_probes(): y_offset = SCALE_SIZE + MARGIN_SIZE + INITCALL_SIZE + MARGIN_SIZE ## Position probes along the Y axis to avoid overlaps: for each new ## run, check where the other concurrent probes have been positioned, ## using a dictionary (-> slots) to store all the positions slots = {} for d in sorted(list(data.probes), key=lambda k: k.first_start_time): for i,r in enumerate(d.runs): for pos in range(max_par_probes): free = True for p in data.probes_running_at(r.start_time): for ipr,pr in enumerate(p.runs): if pr.running_at(r.start_time) and slots.get(f'{p.name}-r{ipr}', -1) == pos: free = False break if free: slots[f'{d.name}-r{i:d}'] = pos ypos = pos break else: print(f'BUG: cannot place probe {d.name} run {i:d}', file=sys.stderr) ypos = 0 print( f''' <a href="#aid-probe-{d.name}"> <rect class="aid-bootchart-element" width="{max(r.duration // SCALING_US_DIV, 1)}" height="{PROBE_SIZE}" \ x="{r.start_time // SCALING_US_DIV}" y="{y_offset + (PROBE_SIZE + MARGIN_SIZE) * ypos}" fill="#{d.color[0]:02X}{d.color[1]:02X}{d.color[2]:02X}"> <title>Probe: {d.name}</title> </rect> </a> ''', file=outfile) ## Plot probes label print( f''' <text x="{MARGIN_SIZE}" y="{y_offset + SCALE_SIZE / 2}" fill="#999999" class="small">PROBES</text> ''', file=outfile) ## Plot init startup marker and label x = data.init_start_time // SCALING_US_DIV print( f''' <text x="{x}" y="{SCALE_SIZE / 2}" fill="#FF0000" class="small">Init start</text> <line x1="{x}" x2="{x}" y1="{SCALE_SIZE}" y2="{bootchart_height}" stroke="#FF0000" /> ''', file=outfile) print( ''' </svg> </div> ''', file=outfile) # Initcalls initcalls_total_time = sum(k.duration for k in data.initcalls) print( ''' <div class="aid-title">Initcalls</div> ''', file=outfile) ## Print initcalls pie chart print( ''' <div class="aid-piechart-container"><svg viewBox="0 0 100 100"> ''', file=outfile) start_point = 0 visible_limit = max(k.duration for k in list(data.initcalls)) / 100 for d in sorted(data.initcalls, key=lambda k: k.duration, reverse=True): if d.duration < visible_limit: title = "ALL OTHER INITCALLS" length = initcalls_total_time - start_point else: title = d.name length = d.duration start_point = start_point + length print( f''' <a href="#aid-initcall-{d.name}"> <circle r="25" cx="50" cy="50" fill="none" stroke="#{d.color[0]:02X}{d.color[1]:02X}{d.color[2]:02X}" stroke-width="50" stroke-dasharray="{length} {initcalls_total_time - length}" stroke-dashoffset="{start_point}" pathLength="{initcalls_total_time}"> <title>{title}</title> </circle> </a> ''', file=outfile) if d.duration < visible_limit: break print( ''' </svg></div> ''', file=outfile) print( ''' <table> <tr> <th> </th> <th>Name</th> <th>Status</th> <th>Duration (us)</th> <th>Time in failed calls (us)</th> <th>Fraction of total time (%)</th> <th>Module</th> </tr>''', file=outfile) for d in sorted(data.initcalls, key=lambda k: k.duration, reverse=True): run_status = 'RUNNING' if d.running else 'FAILED' if d.failed else 'OK' cmp_d = compare.get_initcall(d.name) print( f''' <tr id="aid-initcall-{d.name}"> <td style="background-color: #{d.color[0]:02X}{d.color[1]:02X}{d.color[2]:02X};"></td> <td>{d.name}</td> <td class="aid-status-{run_status.lower()}">{run_status}{f' (-{err_name(d.retval)})' if d.failed else ''}</td> <td class="{print_compare_class(d.duration, cmp_d.duration if cmp_d else None)}"> {print_duration(d.duration)} {print_compare_diff(d.duration, cmp_d.duration if cmp_d else None)} </td> <td class="{print_compare_class(d.wasted_time, cmp_d.wasted_time if cmp_d else None)}"> {d.wasted_time} {print_compare_diff(d.wasted_time, cmp_d.wasted_time if cmp_d else None)} </td> <td>{(d.duration * 100 / initcalls_total_time):0.3f}</td> <td>{d.module}</td> </tr>''', file=outfile) print( ''' </table> ''', file=outfile) if data.has_probes(): # Probes probes_total_time = sum(k.duration for k in data.probes) print( ''' <div class="aid-title">Probes</div> ''', file=outfile) ## Print probes pie chart print( ''' <div class="aid-piechart-container"><svg viewBox="0 0 100 100"> ''', file=outfile) start_point = 0 visible_limit = max(k.duration for k in list(data.initcalls)) / 100 for d in sorted(data.probes, key=lambda k: k.duration, reverse=True): if d.duration < visible_limit: title = "ALL OTHER PROBES" length = probes_total_time - start_point else: title = d.name length = d.duration start_point = start_point + length print( f''' <a href="#aid-initcall-{d.name}"> <circle r="25" cx="50" cy="50" fill="none" stroke="#{d.color[0]:02X}{d.color[1]:02X}{d.color[2]:02X}" stroke-width="50" stroke-dasharray="{length} {probes_total_time - length}" stroke-dashoffset="{start_point}" pathLength="{initcalls_total_time}"> <title>{title}</title> </circle> </a> ''', file=outfile) if d.duration < visible_limit: break print( ''' </svg></div> ''', file=outfile) ## Print probes table print( ''' <table> <tr> <th> </th> <th>Name</th> <th>Status</th> <th>Duration (us)</th> <th>Num deferred probes</th> <th>Time in failed probes (us)</th> <th>Fraction of total time (%)</th> <th>After init</th> </tr> ''', file=outfile) for d in sorted(data.probes, key=lambda k: k.duration, reverse=True): run_status = 'DEFERRED' if d.deferred_probe_pending else 'RUNNING' if d.running else 'FAILED' if d.failed else 'OK' after_init = 'YES' if d.last_start_time > data.init_start_time else 'NO' cmp_d = compare.get_probe(d.name) print( f''' <tr id="aid-probe-{d.name}"> <td style="background-color: #{d.color[0]:02X}{d.color[1]:02X}{d.color[2]:02X};"></td> <td>{d.name}</td> <td class="aid-status-{run_status.lower()}">{run_status}{f' (-{err_name(d.retval)})' if d.failed else ''}</td> <td class="{print_compare_class(d.duration, cmp_d.duration if cmp_d else None)}"> {print_duration(d.duration)} {print_compare_diff(d.duration, cmp_d.duration if cmp_d else None)} </td> <td class="{print_compare_class(d.num_deferred_probes, cmp_d.num_deferred_probes if cmp_d else None)}"> {print_duration(d.num_deferred_probes)} {print_compare_diff(d.num_deferred_probes, cmp_d.num_deferred_probes if cmp_d else None)} </td> <td class="{print_compare_class(d.wasted_time, cmp_d.wasted_time if cmp_d else None)}"> {print_duration(d.wasted_time)} {print_compare_diff(d.wasted_time, cmp_d.wasted_time if cmp_d else None)} </td> <td>{(d.duration * 100 / probes_total_time):0.3f}</td> <td>{after_init}</td> </tr>''', file=outfile) print( ''' </table> ''', file=outfile) if not body_only: print( f''' <footer>Generated by ananlyze_initcall_debug.py v{VERSION}</footer> </body> </html> ''', file=outfile) def output_text(outfile: TextIO, data: Data, compare: Data = Data()): """ Produce text output. """ print(f'Linux version: {data.version}', file=outfile) print(f'Machine: {data.machine}', file=outfile) print(f'Command line: {data.cmdline}', file=outfile) print('Summary:', file=outfile) print(f' {data.num_initcalls:d} initcalls have been executed, '\ f'of which {data.num_initcalls_before_init} before init '\ f'and {data.num_initcalls - data.num_initcalls_before_init} after', file=outfile) print(f' {data.num_deferred_probes_pending:d} deferred probes are pending', file=outfile) print(f' {data.num_failed_calls:d} initcalls/probes failed', file=outfile) if compare.has_initcalls(): total_boot_time_diff = f' [{print_duration_diff(compare.total_boot_time, data.total_boot_time, 1000, "ms")} vs baseline]' init_start_time_diff = f' [{print_duration_diff(compare.init_start_time, data.init_start_time, 1000, "ms")} vs baseline]' else: total_boot_time_diff = '' init_start_time_diff = '' print(f' Total boot time: {print_duration(data.total_boot_time, 1000, "ms")}{total_boot_time_diff:s}', file=outfile) print(f' Init start time: {print_duration(data.init_start_time, 1000, "ms")}{init_start_time_diff:s}', file=outfile) print('\n---\n', file=outfile) print('Top 10 initcall durations:', file=outfile) for d in sorted(data.initcalls, key=lambda k: k.duration, reverse=True)[0:10]: baseline = compare.get_initcall(d.name) if baseline: compare_diff = f' [{print_duration_diff(baseline.duration, d.duration, unit="us")} vs baseline]' elif compare.has_initcalls(): compare_diff = ' [not present in baseline]' else: compare_diff = '' print(f' * {d.name} -> {print_duration(d.duration, unit="us")}{compare_diff:s}', file=outfile) print('\n---\n', file=outfile) print('Top 10 probe durations:', file=outfile) for d in sorted(data.probes, key=lambda k: k.duration, reverse=True)[0:10]: baseline = compare.get_probe(d.name) if baseline: compare_diff = f' [{print_duration_diff(baseline.duration, d.duration, unit="us")} vs baseline]' elif compare.has_probes(): compare_diff = ' [not present in baseline]' else: compare_diff = '' print(f' * {d.name} -> {print_duration(d.duration, unit="us")}{compare_diff:s}', file=outfile) print('\n---\n', file=outfile) print('Top 10 probe deferral causes:', file=outfile) for d in sorted(data.probes, key=lambda k: k.num_deferred_probes, reverse=True)[0:10]: baseline = compare.get_probe(d.name) if baseline: compare_diff = f' [{print_duration_diff(baseline.num_deferred_probes, d.num_deferred_probes)} vs baseline]' elif compare.has_probes(): compare_diff = ' [not present in baseline]' else: compare_diff = '' print(f' * {d.name} -> {d.num_deferred_probes}{compare_diff:s}', file=outfile) print('\n---\n', file=outfile) print('Failed initcalls/probes:', file=outfile) for d in filter(lambda k: k.failed, list(data.initcalls) + list(data.probes)): print(f' * {d.name} -> -{err_name(d.retval)} (-{abs(d.retval)})', file=outfile) def parse_dmesg(infile: TextIO, before_init: bool = False) -> Data: """ Parse dmesg input data. """ data = Data() # Extract data from dmesg for lineno,line in enumerate(infile): if SENTINEL_VERSION in line: match = version_prog.match(line) if match: data.version = str(match.group(2)) continue print(f'Failed matching line {lineno}:"{line.rstrip()}" as version', file=sys.stderr) if SENTINEL_MACHINE in line: match = machine_prog.match(line) if match: data.machine = str(match.group(2)) continue print(f'Failed matching line {lineno}:"{line.rstrip()}" as machine', file=sys.stderr) if SENTINEL_CMDLINE in line: match = cmdline_prog.match(line) if match: data.cmdline = str(match.group(2)) continue print(f'Failed matching line {lineno}:"{line.rstrip()}" as cmdline', file=sys.stderr) if SENTINEL_CALLING in line: match = calling_prog.match(line) if match: try: time = int(float(match.group(1)) * 1000000.0) name = str(match.group(2)) module = str(match.group(4) or '').replace('[', '').replace(']', '') data.add_initcall_start(name, time, module) except ValueError: print(f'Failed parsing line {lineno}:"{line.rstrip()}" as call', file=sys.stderr) except Exception as e: raise e continue print(f'Failed matching line {lineno}:"{line.rstrip()}" as call', file=sys.stderr) if SENTINEL_INITCALL_RETURN in line: match = returned_prog.match(line) if match: try: time = int(float(match.group(1)) * 1000000.0) name = str(match.group(2)) retval = int(match.group(5)) duration = int(match.group(6)) data.add_initcall_return(name, time, duration, retval) except ValueError: print(f'Failed parsing line {lineno}:"{line.rstrip()}" as call return', file=sys.stderr) except Exception as e: raise e continue print(f'Failed matching line {lineno}:"{line.rstrip()}" as call return', file=sys.stderr) if SENTINEL_PROBE in line: match = probe_prog.match(line) if match: try: end_time = int(float(match.group(1)) * 1000000.0) name = str(match.group(2)) retval = int(match.group(3)) duration = int(match.group(4)) data.add_probe_return(name, end_time, duration, retval) except ValueError: print(f'Failed parsing line {lineno}:"{line.rstrip()}" as probe return', file=sys.stderr) except Exception as e: raise e continue print(f'Failed matching line {lineno}:"{line.rstrip()}" as probe return', file=sys.stderr) if SENTINEL_INIT in line: match = init_prog.match(line) if match: try: time = int(float(match.group(1)) * 1000000.0) name = str(match.group(2)) data.add_init_invocation(name, time) except ValueError: print(f'Failed parsing line {lineno}:"{line.rstrip()}" as init', file=sys.stderr) except Exception as e: raise e if before_init: break continue print(f'Failed matching line {lineno}:"{line.rstrip()}" as init', file=sys.stderr) return data if __name__ == '__main__': import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Analyze a Linux kernel dmesg with the initcall_debug option enabled') parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version=f'%(prog)s {VERSION}') parser.add_argument('--dmesg', nargs='?', type=argparse.FileType('r'), default=sys.stdin, help='The dmesg file to analyze (default: stdin)') parser.add_argument('--compare', type=argparse.FileType('r'), default=None, help='The dmesg file to use as comparison baseline (default: None)') parser.add_argument('--output', nargs='?', type=argparse.FileType('w'), default=sys.stdout, help='Output file (default: stdout)') format_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() format_group.add_argument('--html', action='store_true', help='Output analysis result as HTML tables and SVG graphs') parser.add_argument('--body-only', action='store_true', help='Do not add header and footer to HTML output') parser.add_argument('--before-init', action='store_true', help='Add to analysis only initcalls/probes happening before init') args = parser.parse_args() # Create data storage dmesg_data = parse_dmesg(args.dmesg, args.before_init) if args.compare: compare_data = parse_dmesg(args.compare, args.before_init) else: compare_data = Data() if not dmesg_data.has_initcalls(): print('No initcalls parsed - check your kernel configuration and command line', file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) if args.html: output_html(args.output, dmesg_data, compare_data, body_only=args.body_only) else: output_text(args.output, dmesg_data, compare_data)