PATCH [1/3]: Replace kernel/ with kernel/ (v2)

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From: Rob Landley <rob@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Replace kernel/ with kernel/  The new shell scriptis much simpler, about 1/4 the size, and runs on Red Hat 9 from 2003.
It requires a shell which can do 64 bit math, such as bash, busybox ash,or dash running on a 64 bit host.
Changes from previous version:
Redo ADJ32 math to avoid integer overflow for small HZ sizes (such as 24 or122).  In the pathological case (HZ=1) both versions now produceUSEC_TO_HZ_ADJ32 of 0x7ffff79c842fa.  (See source comments for details.)
Also expand usage message, add error message when no 64 bit math available inshell (and suggest some shells that support it), add whitespace aroundoperators in equations, added underscores before __KERNEL_TIMECONST_H, changemakefile so script is responsible for creating output file, make script delete output file on error, change shebang to #!/bin/sh and test with dash and bash.
Signed-off-by: Rob Landley <rob@xxxxxxxxxxx>---
 kernel/Makefile     |    4  kernel/ |  378 ------------------------------------------ kernel/ |  149 ++++++++++++++++ 3 files changed, 151 insertions(+), 380 deletions(-)
--- linux-2.6.28/kernel/	2008-12-24 17:26:37.000000000 -0600+++ /dev/null	2008-11-21 04:46:41.000000000 -0600@@ -1,378 +0,0 @@-#!/usr/bin/perl-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------#-#   Copyright 2007-2008 rPath, Inc. - All Rights Reserved-#-#   This file is part of the Linux kernel, and is made available under-#   the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or (at your-#   option) any later version; incorporated herein by reference.-#-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------#--#-# Usage: HZ > timeconst.h-#--# Precomputed values for systems without Math::BigInt-# Generated by:-# --can 24 32 48 64 100 122 128 200 250 256 300 512 1000 1024 1200-%canned_values = (-	24 => [-		'0xa6aaaaab','0x2aaaaaa',26,-		125,3,-		'0xc49ba5e4','0x1fbe76c8b4',37,-		3,125,-		'0xa2c2aaab','0xaaaa',16,-		125000,3,-		'0xc9539b89','0x7fffbce4217d',47,-		3,125000,-	], 32 => [-		'0xfa000000','0x6000000',27,-		125,4,-		'0x83126e98','0xfdf3b645a',36,-		4,125,-		'0xf4240000','0x0',17,-		31250,1,-		'0x8637bd06','0x3fff79c842fa',46,-		1,31250,-	], 48 => [-		'0xa6aaaaab','0x6aaaaaa',27,-		125,6,-		'0xc49ba5e4','0xfdf3b645a',36,-		6,125,-		'0xa2c2aaab','0x15555',17,-		62500,3,-		'0xc9539b89','0x3fffbce4217d',46,-		3,62500,-	], 64 => [-		'0xfa000000','0xe000000',28,-		125,8,-		'0x83126e98','0x7ef9db22d',35,-		8,125,-		'0xf4240000','0x0',18,-		15625,1,-		'0x8637bd06','0x1fff79c842fa',45,-		1,15625,-	], 100 => [-		'0xa0000000','0x0',28,-		10,1,-		'0xcccccccd','0x733333333',35,-		1,10,-		'0x9c400000','0x0',18,-		10000,1,-		'0xd1b71759','0x1fff2e48e8a7',45,-		1,10000,-	], 122 => [-		'0x8325c53f','0xfbcda3a',28,-		500,61,-		'0xf9db22d1','0x7fbe76c8b',35,-		61,500,-		'0x8012e2a0','0x3ef36',18,-		500000,61,-		'0xffda4053','0x1ffffbce4217',45,-		61,500000,-	], 128 => [-		'0xfa000000','0x1e000000',29,-		125,16,-		'0x83126e98','0x3f7ced916',34,-		16,125,-		'0xf4240000','0x40000',19,-		15625,2,-		'0x8637bd06','0xfffbce4217d',44,-		2,15625,-	], 200 => [-		'0xa0000000','0x0',29,-		5,1,-		'0xcccccccd','0x333333333',34,-		1,5,-		'0x9c400000','0x0',19,-		5000,1,-		'0xd1b71759','0xfff2e48e8a7',44,-		1,5000,-	], 250 => [-		'0x80000000','0x0',29,-		4,1,-		'0x80000000','0x180000000',33,-		1,4,-		'0xfa000000','0x0',20,-		4000,1,-		'0x83126e98','0x7ff7ced9168',43,-		1,4000,-	], 256 => [-		'0xfa000000','0x3e000000',30,-		125,32,-		'0x83126e98','0x1fbe76c8b',33,-		32,125,-		'0xf4240000','0xc0000',20,-		15625,4,-		'0x8637bd06','0x7ffde7210be',43,-		4,15625,-	], 300 => [-		'0xd5555556','0x2aaaaaaa',30,-		10,3,-		'0x9999999a','0x1cccccccc',33,-		3,10,-		'0xd0555556','0xaaaaa',20,-		10000,3,-		'0x9d495183','0x7ffcb923a29',43,-		3,10000,-	], 512 => [-		'0xfa000000','0x7e000000',31,-		125,64,-		'0x83126e98','0xfdf3b645',32,-		64,125,-		'0xf4240000','0x1c0000',21,-		15625,8,-		'0x8637bd06','0x3ffef39085f',42,-		8,15625,-	], 1000 => [-		'0x80000000','0x0',31,-		1,1,-		'0x80000000','0x0',31,-		1,1,-		'0xfa000000','0x0',22,-		1000,1,-		'0x83126e98','0x1ff7ced9168',41,-		1,1000,-	], 1024 => [-		'0xfa000000','0xfe000000',32,-		125,128,-		'0x83126e98','0x7ef9db22',31,-		128,125,-		'0xf4240000','0x3c0000',22,-		15625,16,-		'0x8637bd06','0x1fff79c842f',41,-		16,15625,-	], 1200 => [-		'0xd5555556','0xd5555555',32,-		5,6,-		'0x9999999a','0x66666666',31,-		6,5,-		'0xd0555556','0x2aaaaa',22,-		2500,3,-		'0x9d495183','0x1ffcb923a29',41,-		3,2500,-	]-);--$has_bigint = eval 'use Math::BigInt qw(bgcd); 1;';--sub bint($)-{-	my($x) = @_;-	return Math::BigInt->new($x);-}--#-# Constants for division by reciprocal multiplication.-# (bits, numerator, denominator)-#-sub fmul($$$)-{-	my ($b,$n,$d) = @_;--	$n = bint($n);-	$d = bint($d);--	return scalar (($n << $b)+$d-bint(1))/$d;-}--sub fadj($$$)-{-	my($b,$n,$d) = @_;--	$n = bint($n);-	$d = bint($d);--	$d = $d/bgcd($n, $d);-	return scalar (($d-bint(1)) << $b)/$d;-}--sub fmuls($$$) {-	my($b,$n,$d) = @_;-	my($s,$m);-	my($thres) = bint(1) << ($b-1);--	$n = bint($n);-	$d = bint($d);--	for ($s = 0; 1; $s++) {-		$m = fmul($s,$n,$d);-		return $s if ($m >= $thres);-	}-	return 0;-}--# Generate a hex value if the result fits in 64 bits;-# otherwise skip.-sub bignum_hex($) {-	my($x) = @_;-	my $s = $x->as_hex();--	return (length($s) > 18) ? undef : $s;-}--# Provides mul, adj, and shr factors for a specific-# (bit, time, hz) combination-sub muladj($$$) {-	my($b, $t, $hz) = @_;-	my $s = fmuls($b, $t, $hz);-	my $m = fmul($s, $t, $hz);-	my $a = fadj($s, $t, $hz);-	return (bignum_hex($m), bignum_hex($a), $s);-}--# Provides numerator, denominator values-sub numden($$) {-	my($n, $d) = @_;-	my $g = bgcd($n, $d);-	return ($n/$g, $d/$g);-}--# All values for a specific (time, hz) combo-sub conversions($$) {-	my ($t, $hz) = @_;-	my @val = ();--	# HZ_TO_xx-	push(@val, muladj(32, $t, $hz));-	push(@val, numden($t, $hz));--	# xx_TO_HZ-	push(@val, muladj(32, $hz, $t));-	push(@val, numden($hz, $t));--	return @val;-}--sub compute_values($) {-	my($hz) = @_;-	my @val = ();-	my $s, $m, $a, $g;--	if (!$has_bigint) {-		die "$0: HZ == $hz not canned and ".-		    "Math::BigInt not available\n";-	}--	# MSEC conversions-	push(@val, conversions(1000, $hz));--	# USEC conversions-	push(@val, conversions(1000000, $hz));--	return @val;-}--sub outputval($$)-{-	my($name, $val) = @_;-	my $csuf;--	if (defined($val)) {-	    if ($name !~ /SHR/) {-		$val = "U64_C($val)";-	    }-	    printf "#define %-23s %s\n", $name.$csuf, $val.$csuf;-	}-}--sub output($@)-{-	my($hz, @val) = @_;-	my $pfx, $bit, $suf, $s, $m, $a;--	print "/* Automatically generated by kernel/ */\n";-	print "/* Conversion constants for HZ == $hz */\n";-	print "\n";-	print "#ifndef KERNEL_TIMECONST_H\n";-	print "#define KERNEL_TIMECONST_H\n";-	print "\n";--	print "#include <linux/param.h>\n";-	print "#include <linux/types.h>\n";--	print "\n";-	print "#if HZ != $hz\n";-	print "#error \"kernel/timeconst.h has the wrong HZ value!\"\n";-	print "#endif\n";-	print "\n";--	foreach $pfx ('HZ_TO_MSEC','MSEC_TO_HZ',-		      'HZ_TO_USEC','USEC_TO_HZ') {-		foreach $bit (32) {-			foreach $suf ('MUL', 'ADJ', 'SHR') {-				outputval("${pfx}_$suf$bit", shift(@val));-			}-		}-		foreach $suf ('NUM', 'DEN') {-			outputval("${pfx}_$suf", shift(@val));-		}-	}--	print "\n";-	print "#endif /* KERNEL_TIMECONST_H */\n";-}--# Pretty-print Perl values-sub perlvals(@) {-	my $v;-	my @l = ();--	foreach $v (@_) {-		if (!defined($v)) {-			push(@l, 'undef');-		} elsif ($v =~ /^0x/) {-			push(@l, "\'".$v."\'");-		} else {-			push(@l, $v.'');-		}-	}-	return join(',', @l);-}--($hz) = @ARGV;--# Use this to generate the %canned_values structure-if ($hz eq '--can') {-	shift(@ARGV);-	@hzlist = sort {$a <=> $b} (@ARGV);--	print "# Precomputed values for systems without Math::BigInt\n";-	print "# Generated by:\n";-	print "# --can ", join(' ', @hzlist), "\n";-	print "\%canned_values = (\n";-	my $pf = "\t";-	foreach $hz (@hzlist) {-		my @values = compute_values($hz);-		print "$pf$hz => [\n";-		while (scalar(@values)) {-			my $bit;-			foreach $bit (32) {-				my $m = shift(@values);-				my $a = shift(@values);-				my $s = shift(@values);-				print "\t\t", perlvals($m,$a,$s), ",\n";-			}-			my $n = shift(@values);-			my $d = shift(@values);-			print "\t\t", perlvals($n,$d), ",\n";-		}-		print "\t]";-		$pf = ', ';-	}-	print "\n);\n";-} else {-	$hz += 0;			# Force to number-	if ($hz < 1) {-		die "Usage: $0 HZ\n";-	}--	@val = @{$canned_values{$hz}};-	if (!defined(@val)) {-		@val = compute_values($hz);-	}-	output($hz, @val);-}-exit 0;--- /dev/null	2008-11-21 04:46:41.000000000 -0600+++ linux-2.6.28-new/kernel/	2009-01-03 15:24:01.000000000 -0600@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@+#!/bin/sh++if [ $# -ne 2 ]+then+	echo "Usage: HZ FILENAME"+	echo+	echo "Generate a header file with constants for coverting between"+	echo "decimal HZ timer ticks and milisecond or microsecond delays."+	echo+	exit 1+fi++HZ=$1+shift+FILENAME=$1++# Sanity test: even the shell in Red Hat 9 (circa 2003) supported 64 bit math.++if [ $((1 << 32)) -lt 0 ]+then+	echo " needs a shell with 64 bit math, such as bash,"+	echo "busybox ash, or dash running on a 64 bit host."+	exit 1+fi++# If this script exits for any reason before this trap is removed,+# delete the output file so a partial file won't confuse the build.++trap "rm $FILENAME" EXIT++# Output start of header file++cat > $FILENAME << EOF || exit 1+/* Automatically generated by kernel/ */+/* Conversion constants for HZ == $HZ */++#ifndef __KERNEL_TIMECONST_H+#define __KERNEL_TIMECONST_H++#include <linux/param.h>+#include <linux/types.h>++#if HZ != $HZ+#error "kernel/timeconst.h has the wrong HZ value!"+#endif++EOF++# For both Milliseconds and Microseconds++for i in "MSEC 1000" "USEC 1000000"+do+	NAME=$(echo $i | cut -d ' ' -f 1)+	PERIOD=$(echo $i | cut -d ' ' -f 2)++	# Find greatest common denominator (using Euclid's algorithm)++	A=$HZ+	B=$PERIOD++	while [ $B -ne 0 ]+	do+		C=$(( $A % $B ))+		A=$B+		B=$C+	done++	GCD=$A++	# Do this for each direction (HZ_TO_PERIOD and PERIOD_TO_HZ)++	for DIRECTION in 0 1+	do+		if [ $DIRECTION -eq 0 ]+		then+			CONVERT="HZ_TO_${NAME}"+			FROM=$HZ+			TO=$PERIOD+		else+			CONVERT="${NAME}_TO_HZ"+			FROM=$PERIOD+			TO=$HZ+		fi++		# Calculate 32 significant bits of MUL32 data.++		SHIFT=0+		while true+		do+			# This can't overflow 64 bit math.  Pathological case+			# (TO=1, FROM=1000000) uses around 32+20=52 bits.++			MUL32=$(( ( ( $TO << $SHIFT ) + $FROM - 1 ) / $FROM ))++			# Keep increasing $SHIFT until we've got 32 bits.++			[ $MUL32 -gt $(( 1 << 31 )) ] && break+			SHIFT=$(( $SHIFT + 1 ))+		done+		MUL32=$( printf %x $MUL32 )++		# ADJ32 is just (((FROM/GCD)-1)<<SHIFT)/(FROM/GCD) but this+		# can overflow 64 bit math (examples, HZ=24 or HZ=122).+		# Pathological case could use 32+20+20=72 bits.  (And this is+		# the pathological case because a larger $HZ results in a+		# smaller $SHIFT, so even insane HZ>USEC cases should be ok.)++		# To get around this, we chop the bottom 32 bits off the+		# calculation and then reassemble it to avoid overflow:+		# 32+64=96, which is > 72.++		ADJ32=$(( $FROM / $GCD ))+		if [ $SHIFT -gt 32 ]+		then+			UPPER=$(( ( $ADJ32 - 1 ) << ( $SHIFT - 32 ) ))+			LOWER=$(( ( $UPPER % $ADJ32 ) << 32 ))+			ADJ32=$(( ( ( $UPPER / $ADJ32 ) << 32 ) + ( $LOWER / $ADJ32 )))+		else+			ADJ32=$(( ( ( $ADJ32 - 1 ) << $SHIFT) / $ADJ32 ))+		fi+		ADJ32=$( printf %x $ADJ32 )++		NUM=$(( $TO / $GCD ))+		DEN=$(( $FROM / $GCD ))++		# Output next chunk of header data to file++		(+			echo "#define ${CONVERT}_MUL32	U64_C(0x$MUL32)" &&+			echo "#define ${CONVERT}_ADJ32	U64_C(0x$ADJ32)" &&+			echo "#define ${CONVERT}_SHR32	$SHIFT" &&+			echo "#define ${CONVERT}_NUM		U64_C($NUM)" &&+			echo "#define ${CONVERT}_DEN		U64_C($DEN)"+		) >> $FILENAME || exit 1+	done+done++(+	echo+	echo "#endif /* __KERNEL_TIMECHONST_H */"+) >> $FILENAME || exit 1++# Don't rm $FILENAME on exit anymore.++trap "" EXIT++exit 0--- linux-2.6.28/kernel/Makefile	2008-12-24 17:26:37.000000000 -0600+++ linux-2.6.28-new/kernel/Makefile	2009-01-03 00:40:21.000000000 -0600@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ $(obj)/time.o: $(obj)/timeconst.h  quiet_cmd_timeconst  = TIMEC   $@-      cmd_timeconst  = $(PERL) $< $(CONFIG_HZ) > $@+      cmd_timeconst  = $(CONFIG_SHELL) $< $(CONFIG_HZ) $@ targets += timeconst.h-$(obj)/timeconst.h: $(src)/ FORCE+$(obj)/timeconst.h: $(src)/ FORCE 	$(call if_changed,timeconst)ÿôèº{.nÇ+?·?®?­?+%?Ëÿ±éݶ¥?wÿº{.nÇ+?·¥?{±ýé?y×^wø§¶?¡Ü¨}©?²Æ zÚ&j:+v?¨þø¯ù®w¥þ?à2?Þ?¨è­Ú&¢)ß¡«a¶Úÿÿûàz¿äz¹Þ?ú+?ù???Ý¢jÿ?wèþf

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