On 12-Jun-08, at 1:52 PM, Shaz wrote:
I have been following "Re: [PATCH 0/1] Embedded Maintainer(s)" and
felt like asking that is there one good way to get a cross compiler
work. I tried buildroot, scratchbox and even openMoko with
openEmbedded but all of them had lots of issues and don't know which
will be the best alternative.
I've built compiler chains for clients using buildroot.
From my notes:
* download buildroot and expand it in your home directory
* make menuconfig - select kernel, compiler, and uclibc versions.
(2.4.27, 3.4.3, and 0.9.28 respectively), set target to final
destination ,i.e., /opt/armeb as you can't move the compiler once built
* make - this will download compiler, etc and build it. It will most
likely fail the first time.
* patches to apply (http://bugs.uclibc.org/view.php?id=51 - fix LFS
* make - again to finish
... Glenn
Glenn Henshaw Logical Outcome Ltd.
e: thraxisp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx w: www.logicaloutcome.ca
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