Re: [RFC PATCH v3 00/13] Clavis LSM

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> On Mar 20, 2025, at 3:36 PM, Paul Moore <paul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 20, 2025 at 12:29 PM Eric Snowberg <eric.snowberg@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> On Mar 6, 2025, at 7:46 PM, Paul Moore <paul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> On March 6, 2025 5:29:36 PM Eric Snowberg <eric.snowberg@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> ...
>>>> Does this mean Microsoft will begin signing shims in the future without
>>>> the lockdown requirement?
>>> That's not a question I can answer, you'll need to discuss that with the UEFI SB people.
>> Based on your previous lockdown comments, I thought you might have
>> some new information.  Having lockdown enforcement has always been
>> a requirement to get a shim signed by Microsoft.


>> The alternative "usage-oriented keyring" approach you've suggested
>> wouldn't align with the threat model that lockdown aims to achieve.
> That's a Lockdown problem, or more specifically a problem for the
> people who are freeloading on the Lockdown LSM and expecting it to be
> maintained without contributing anything meaningful.

There are past examples of previous contributions, but they don't seem to 
go anywhere:

Which causes us to carry patches like this downstream.

>> With Clavis, I attempted to develop
>> an approach that would meet the lockdown threat model requirements
>> while allowing the end user to control key usage as they deem fit.
> As mentioned previously, the design/implementation choices you made
> for Clavis means it is better suited for inclusion in the key
> subsystem and not as a standalone LSM.  If you wanted to
> redesign/rework Clavis to stick to the traditional LSM security blobs
> perhaps that is something we could consider as a LSM, but it's
> probably worth seeing if David and Jarkko have any interest in
> including Clavis functionality in the key subsystem first.

The direction of creating a new LSM was based on this discussion:

A lot of time could have been saved had your concerns been 
voiced in either the first or second round.  If David or Jarkko are 
interested in a non LSM version, I can work on that.  

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