Re: efi_random_alloc() returning EFI_NOT_FOUND

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On Wednesday, March 12th, 2025 at 4:24 AM, Ilias Apalodimas <ilias.apalodimas@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Can you please apply[...]to make
> sure the map doesn't change from the time the slots were calculated.

It doesn't seem like they do. This is the output:

7 0-4000000
0 4000000-4200000
7 4200000-4400000
0 4400000-5400000
7 5400000-3daef000
1 3daef000-3e2d5000
7 3e2d5000-3ea78000
2 3ea78000-3ea7b000
1 3ea7b000-3eaa1000
4 3eaa1000-3eaa7000
2 3eaa7000-3eaba000
4 3eaba000-3eabb000
2 3eabb000-3eabd000
4 3eabd000-3eabe000
9 3eabe000-3eac5000
4 3eac5000-3eac9000
6 3eac9000-3eaca000
4 3eaca000-3eacb000
6 3eacb000-3eaed000
4 3eaed000-3eaf6000
3 3eaf6000-3fb92000
6 3fb92000-3fb93000
3 3fb93000-3ff00000
5 3ff00000-3ff10000
3 3ff10000-40000000

Inside get_entry_num_slots() it skips everything that's not
conventional which just leaves these four entries:

7 0-4000000
7 4200000-4400000
7 5400000-3daef000
7 3e2d5000-3ea78000

As a reminder, size is 18087936.

For the first entry, I am seeing region_end = 67108863, first_slot
= 0, last_slot = 48234496 so the function returns 24. This is the
entry that is then subsequently used in the efi_allocate_pages()
call that returns EFI_NOT_FOUND.

For the second entry, first_slot > last_slot so we return 0.

For the third entry, I am seeing region_end = 1034874879,
first_slot = 88080384, last_slot = 1015021568 so the function
returns 443. This is the entry that, when used by allocate pages
by ignoring the first EFI_NOT_FOUND, returns EFI_SUCCESS and we
continue to boot.

For the fourth entry, first_slot > last_slot so we return 0.


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