Re: [PATCH v12 04/19] x86: Secure Launch main header file

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On 3/7/25 11:37 AM, 'Jarkko Sakkinen' via trenchboot-devel wrote:
On Fri, Mar 07, 2025 at 11:25:20AM -0800, ross.philipson@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
On 3/6/25 9:34 PM, 'Jarkko Sakkinen' via trenchboot-devel wrote:
On Thu, Dec 19, 2024 at 11:42:01AM -0800, Ross Philipson wrote:
Introduce the main Secure Launch header file used in the early SL stub
and the early setup code.

Just would need a *short* description of what slaunch.h holds. I guess
it holds Intel TXT micro-arhitectural data structures? Anything else?

Later it will contain data strutures etc. to support other architectures
like AMD and Arm64.

This helps e.g. reviewers to skip some but still keep on track what a
patch contains (and return back to it when necessary).

Yes we can make it clearer what is in this header file.

As per code changes I did spend two hours reading them just to make sure
that I can understand the TPM specific code changes, and also that they
make total sense to me.

Therefore I've put a lot the nagging is around documentation and
definitions. I really could not find anything in the source code that I
could pinpoint being absolutely wrong.

Yes agreed.

This really needs just now the stamp from tip maintainers. As per TPM
changes they do have my blessing (no need for reviewed-by's as they
have SOB already). I hereby also give permission to pull TPM changes
through tip tree...

Thank you for that, we appreciate it.



BR, Jarkko

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