hermann pitton wrote:
No need to upgrade, since you have already updated to recent v4l-dvb
code. You might try the attached patch, which sets the other atenna
input during digital usage and check if DVB-T reception
is /unchanged/better/worse.
I've tried your patch for 6/7 hours.
It works great: now I can watch DVB-T and analog TV with the same
antenna plugged in the same connector.
Thank you!
And I also can correctly receive fm-radio!!!
About quality of the DVB-T, IMHO, it's the same if I plug the antenna to
one connector or to the other one.
I'm still having some channels with "block" problems. I don't know the
real name for this problem, so I'm attaching a screenshot to this message.
The same channels watched with the pinnacle hybrid stick gave me no
problems (or near no problems, I can have same sound "scratches" every 3
or 4 minutes).
Thanks again for your support.

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