About my problem with the kernel oops when doing ifconfig down, I have been
doing some more modifications and now:
1-If I apply the patch for smp systems to last version in CVS for kernel
I can stop dvb?_? interfaces, the lsmod returns that skystar2 stv0299 and
dvbcore are unused, and then I can remove the driver perfectly. However,
some times (very frequently), when I do insmod again and create again dvb?_?
intefaces with ifconfig dvb0_0 ip .., I get a Panic.
It is strange, I get the panic, but before I receive correct value for
dvbtune -i (looking for trasponder EUMETCASt)
What can provoke a kernel panic when starting DVB interfaces? any idea?
2- If I apply the patch to last version 1.1.1 then:
The systems seems not to have a Kernel Panic, but, when I do ifconfig down,
the lsmod says the skystar module is being used by 4, so I can never do
"insmod.sh unload".
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