Hello there, It's my first email and I'm writing because I have a question about the demux. looking on the API, I saw it's possible to set the source (DMX_IN_FRONTEND or DMX_IN_DVR) of filter {{{ #include <linux/dvb/dmx.h> struct dmx_pes_filter_params pesfilter; if ((fd = open("/dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0", O_RDWR) < 0) { perror ("open failed"); return -1; } pesfilter.pid = pid; pesfilter.input = DMX_IN_FRONTEND; //pesfilter.input = DMX_IN_DVR; pesfilter.output = DMX_OUT_DECODER; pesfilter.pes_type = DMX_PES_VIDEO; pesfilter.flags = DMX_IMMEDIATE_START; if (ioctl(fd, DMX_SET_PES_FILTER, &pesfilter) < 0) { perror ("ioctl DMX_SET_PES_FILTER failed"); return -1; } }}} but there's nothing about if is it possible for section filters (seems that there aren't parameters for set this) Can someone explain to me what is the source for this code bellow? --------- #include <linux/dvb/dmx.h> struct dmx_sct_filter_params sctfilter; if ((fd = open("/dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0", O_RDWR) < 0) { perror ("open failed"); return -1; } memset(&sctfilter, 0, sizeof(struct dmx_sct_filter_params)); sctfilter.pid = pid; sctfilter.flags = DMX_IMMEDIATE_START; if (ioctl(fd, DMX_SET_FILTER, &sctfilter) < 0) { perror ("ioctl DMX_SET_FILTER failed"); return -1; } --------- I have found this code in http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-vdr-dvb-changes/2004-May/000205.html I see that is possible to obtain the filtered data by read calls, but what is the source? is it the frontend? or is it the dvr device (dvr0)? I want to use the dvr. Thanks in advance. -- Iuri Gomes Diniz http://clx.digi.com.br _______________________________________________________________ Na Digizap você tem 5GB de espaço para dividir como quiser em até 50 contas de email! Ligue e assine: 4008-9000 _______________________________________________ linux-dvb mailing list linux-dvb@xxxxxxxxxxx http://www.linuxtv.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/linux-dvb