these providers do not necessarily transmit on the freqs that are
Here a discussion:
found via:
(and yes, it's awful, I still try to make a Cinergy work under ubuntu,
while it works fine with a Fedora 6 ...)
Marco Skambraks schreef:
I use a tt ff dvb-c c2300 with the latest firmware and the latest drivers
from Oliver Endris
my cable-provider is iesy in hessen/germany
some of my frineds tested it with other cable-providers "kabel deutschland" and "ish"
it was the same problem - more or less stuttering
now I added a module parameter to
av7110.c in function
static int nexusca_stv0297_tuner_set_params(struct dvb_frontend* fe, ...
with this paramter I can modify the frequency
div = (params->frequency + frq_tune + 36150000 + 31250) / 62500;
if I use the value -150000 for frq_tune
it works almost fine in my apartment with iesy, but it doesn't work for
"kabel deutschland" or "ish"
I also tried to enter other values to get good results with "kabel deutchland"
unfortunately without any success
the behavior of the card is completely different in different apartments
we also ask the cable-provider for technical-support
the providers measured the signal-strength
the signal is fine more than 72db without errors
a dbox2 is running well without any dropouts
and also the kabel deutschland reciever or iesy receiver
I have no idea what to do now
is this a known problem?
AMMEC - Accessible Multimedia Entertainment Center
Email: Marco Skambraks <marco@xxxxxxxx>
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