Re: [v4l-dvb-maintainer] VBI OOPS

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Hello thomas, please forgive me, this is a webmail client.
thomas schorpp writes:
Michael Hunold wrote:
this is a known issue with the analogtuner part of siemens dvb-c, ive stated that in my mail with my patch, the tuner code is buggy and may oops with tvtime or kdetv, cause of their driver access/capture behaviour.
Even when the application uses the API in a very "creative" way, it should 
never result in an oops. Something is not correctly handled or initialized, 
probably in my saa7146 vbi code. 

This is about VBI capture on the *analog* parts of a DVB-C card, ie. on
the analog cable channels that can be viewed through the saa711x on the
saa7146 input channel b.
What is the current status anyway? Did somebody ever got this to work?
yes, see list archives and attachment. CVBS imput and tuning is working 
here fine with xawtv since i created the patch.
the patch was created to be able to use the saa7113 input from the analog 
card extension board, i suggested to plug in an old VHS or other as tuner, 
since the tda9819 analog part of the siemens card is low 
analogtv-demodulation quality anyway...
I know that tuning and using the cvbs input works, but I'm particularly 
interested if VBI capturing ever worked. 

So: did anybody use VBI capturing on the analog input of a DVB-C card yet? 

If not, then the easiest "fix" is to remove V4L2_CAP_VBI_CAPTURE from
struct saa7146_ext_vv av7110_vv_data_c in av7110_v4l.c
objection, thats no solution so far.
I did not mean to remove support for analog tv completely, just for the vbi 
capturing parts. 

I tried to get it to work in 2004, but gave up when I realised that the 
saa7113 and the saa7146 probably don't play together. IIRC it was not 
possible that the BRS of the saa7146 correctly syncronizes to the saa7113 

If nobody has tried to get it to run since then, then I vote for doing the 
"fix" I described in the other mail. 

Best regards
Michael Hunold.

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