Hi folks, I have a weird problem with my remote control. It only works if I either play a channel before (e.g. mplayer dvb://...) or if I remove all the cx88 modules and install cx88-dvb again. I had a look at this using the parameter ir_debug=1 with cx88xx, so I am pretty sure that this is not a problem with lircd or something else. Ok, this was the short version. Here is the full information. The DVB card is a Hauppauge WinTV Nova-S-Plus Kernel 2.6.16, compiled from source Debian unstable v4l-dvb package from 5.5.2006, with the nova-s-plus patch installed After starting the box, the following modules (amongst others...) are installed: cx8800 cx8802 cx88-alsa cx88-blackbird cx88-dvb cx88-vp3054-i2c cx88xx I do not know if I need all these, but they are just loaded while booting. In fact, I don't know why... (Later more about that.) The remote control does not work and there are no messages from cx88-input in syslog. After I watch TV (e.g. mplayer DVB://...), the remote control works and there are messages from cx88-input in syslog. I first thought that there are some modules loaded by using mplayer, but I diff'ed the result of lsmod before and after the mplayer command. There was no difference. I then played around with installing/deinstalling modules. I have found the following: When I deinstall all the cx88 modules, the IR does not work any more. I believe that this is ok... :-) After inserting cx88-dvb again, also the modules cx8802, cx88-vp3054-i2c and cx88xx are installed. The IR works again. Installing cx8800 does not make any difference. After installing cx88-alsa, the remote does not work any more and lircd goes mad writing lot of stuff into syslog. Simply deinstalling cx88-alsa does not help, I need to remove and insert cx88-dvb again. I then thought that this is not that a big problem. I tried to just leave cx88-alsa out using modconf. However, when I restart the box, cx88-alsa is back in... Can someone help here? I don't believe that cx88-alsa should interfere with the remote control, but maybe there is a reason... I could also live with a solution not to load cx88-alsa, but I don't know how not to load it. Thanks&Regards, Thorsten _______________________________________________ linux-dvb mailing list linux-dvb@xxxxxxxxxxx http://www.linuxtv.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/linux-dvb