Dear authors and users of linuxtv-dvb-apps, As we all know, DVB reception quality is dependent on a number of external factors, like weather conditions (clouds, lightning), solar activity, thermal expansion and whatever else. When DVB card like SkyStar2 is used to receive IP traffic, the data decoding stops right at BER>0. At this moment, it is desired to be able to run some reconfiguration scripts. F.e. web proxy service may require reconfiguration, etc. What approach is the best in this situation, and what is your experience in automating this ? Currently I use some scripts with femon|awk. But this is not very convenient, as femon uses stdio buffering, and when awk detects good or bad pattern in its output and terminates, the entire pipe is not finished, as femon still buffers next portion of its output for some time until it is written and only then it gets SIGPIPE. May be it is worth to call setvbuf(stdout,...,_IOLBF,...) in femon ? Or may be I am unaware about more easy and convenient way ? Thank you in advance for your replies. _______________________________________________ linux-dvb@xxxxxxxxxxx