Johannes Stezenbach wrote:
Re-reading some of this discussion, my "partial solutions" remark
was clearly not about support for obscure DVB-S2 features,
but your patch was missing the FE_SET_STANDARD (DVB-S vs. DVB-S2)
issue raised in Felix' postings. As such I thought it was incomplete
(and I still think so, assuming one needs to switch the demod
hardware into DVB-S2 mode explicitly for tuning to work).
There is no switch to make the hardware jump in DVB-S2 mode.
Only that how it is tuned is different.
Well with your suggestion, DVB-S2 will work "fantastically perfect" with
non-compliant devices.
whereas compliant devices will be wondering what to do, probably tune to
DVB-S instead of DVB-S2 ?