I'm developing a dvb-t set top box. I'm new in this field. Someone
could help me?
Following the examples downloaded form the web-site I'm able to see the
dvb-t transmissions.
Now I would like to get some information about the transmitted programs
i.e.: the name of the tv program and a brief description.
Have you idea if I must use some section filters to get this kind of
informations? Or I get these informations in another way?
Could you tell me if there are some docs that explain me how to solve
this problem?
Thanks a lot
*Stefano Zanin*
*Visionee s.r.l.*
viale della Repubblica, 22
31050 Villorba (TV) Italy
tel. +39 0422 303530
fax +39 0422 303561
skype visioneestefanoz
web www.visionee.com <http://www.visionee.com>
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