Due to DNS issues forwarding the mail from Marcel..
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [PATCH] add DVB-S2 support to frontend.h
Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2006 10:55:11 +0100
From: Marcel Siegert <mws@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: linux-dvb@xxxxxxxxxxx
CC: Manu Abraham <abraham.manu@xxxxxxxxx>
References: <44037647.60706@xxxxxxxxxxx> <44037991.3090605@xxxxxxxxx>
> +/*! describes the available modulation types. */
> +enum dvb_fe_modulation {
> + DVB_FE_MOD_QPSK = (1 << 0),
> + DVB_FE_MOD_QAM_16 = (1 << 1),
> + DVB_FE_MOD_QAM_32 = (1 << 2),
> + DVB_FE_MOD_QAM_64 = (1 << 3),
> + DVB_FE_MOD_QAM_128 = (1 << 4),
> + DVB_FE_MOD_QAM_256 = (1 << 5),
> + DVB_FE_MOD_QAM_AUTO = (1 << 6),
> + DVB_FE_MOD_2_VSB = (1 << 7),
> + DVB_FE_MOD_4_VSB = (1 << 8),
> + DVB_FE_MOD_8_VSB = (1 << 9),
> + DVB_FE_MOD_16_VSB = (1 << 10),
> + DVB_FE_MOD_8_PSK = (1 << 11),
> + DVB_FE_MOD_BPSK = (1 << 12),
> + DVB_FE_MOD_MOD_UNKNOWN = (1 << 31)
> +};
We might need the higher order modulations too, 16APSK and 32APSK,
supported by the various chipsets.
added to my patch, thanks for notification.
still waiting for more comments, if nothin will arrive, i'll ask johannes to ACK
and if acked mauro to pull.