Hi, for my diploma iam writing an EPG under Linux. I can set the correct pid of 0x12, to get the EIT and ST CIT data stream, but if i set the pid to 0x13 (RST,ST) stream, no data is received. ETSI EN 300 468, says that the data is not sended all the time, but i receive nothing (in 2 houers). The only thing i can think of, is that my settings are wrong. code: ( works for pid=0x12, but not 0x13 ) struct dmx_pes_filter_params pesfilter; pesfilter.pid = 0x13; pesfilter.input = DMX_IN_FRONTEND; pesfilter.output = DMX_OUT_TAP; pesfilter.pes_type= DMX_PES_OTHER; pesfilter.flags = DMX_IMMEDIATE_START; also, read blocks the program, waiting for some data, is there a better solution, instead of read, for stream_id 0x13 ? thanx for help...