David Johnson wrote: > > As I'm watching TV, I'm getting lots of the following messages in demsg: > > bt878(0): irq FDSR FBUS risc_pc=1fc66010 > bt878(0): irq FBUS risc_pc=1fc66158 > bt878(0): IRQ lockup, cleared int mask Look for the line controlreg |= 0x1b; in drivers/media/dvb/bt8xx/bt878.c and change it to controlreg |= 0x13; That works for me. It lowers the fifo-threshold at which the DMA controller starts its DMA cycle. I don't know why this happens with newer kernels. With 2.6.8 (SuSE-9.2 kernel) everything was fine ... I'll make a patch with some other stuff (for cx24110 and bttv) when 2.6.13 is out. Ciao, ET.