On Mon, Jul 25, 2005 at 08:52:42PM +0100, Barry Myles wrote: > Hamish Moffatt wrote: > >Are you sure that the PIDs are correct? If not, it will tune but you > >will get no data. > Thanks for that. I suspect that something like that is what is wrong. > I've just run scan with the frequency file for my transmitter [UK - > SudburyB] and this seems to generate a file containing the expected set > of channels which I save as ~/.tzap/channels.conf. I then can run tzap > against each of the channels and it seems to pick up the PID from the > channels.conf but doesn't give any data. > > Am I missing a step somewhere? > > example: > > mythtv szap # ./tzap five You must always use -r to tzap when you expect to get data from the dvr0 device. Other than that, you can use dvbsnoop to get a list of all the PIDs that are active which might help debug things. Run it while tzap -r is running. Hamish -- Hamish Moffatt VK3SB <hamish@xxxxxxxxxx> <hamish@xxxxxxxxxxxx>