Hi, I have a tuning problem that is easily reproducable with my Technotrend FF card revision 1.3 (my diseqc switch is a plain 2-port 1.0 device): if I write a list of channels on a file called channels.txt, one on lnb2 and the other on lnb1, such as Sat-1 RaiUno and then run ./szap -r -i < channels.txt I can see that the second channel can never be tuned; inverting the order szap works. Does anyone else have this problem? Thanks, Nico -- Email.it, the professional e-mail, gratis per te: http://www.email.it/f Sponsor: Email.it Phone Card: chiami in tutto il mondo a tariffe imbattibili da tutti i telefoni fissi e cellulari! Clicca e scopri come Clicca qui: http://adv.email.it/cgi-bin/foclick.cgi?mid=2686&d=20-7