Mac Michaels wrote: >On Tuesday 28 June 2005 07:03 pm, Michael Krufky wrote: > > >>To be honest with you, I am just guessing here on how to >>give dvb support to my card. I don't think that this is >>a problem with your driver, rather a matter of >>implementing it on a different board. For all I know, it >>might be working fine except that I might even be testing >>it incorrectly. I dont have any other dvb card and thus >>have no experience with dvb. >> >> >I have no dvb experience either. Testing was a problem for >me too. I started by getting the scan program to work >reliably and detect my local channels. Fortunately the scan >program had just been modified for OTA ATSC so it just >worked. I examined the v4l2 tuner code to see how to make >it work in the dvb code. I know you will need a different >file for channel frequencies than I use as cable channels >above 13 are allocated different frequencies from OTA >channels. > > Looks like we're on the same page right here... >For testing you might consider reducing the number of >independent variables by using OTA VSB. The scan program is >known to work with that. > >You might just try OTA with a piece of wire attached to the >center conductor or the RF connector. I live on top of a >hill in the country so multipath interference is not a >problem for me. A $15 RadioShack UHF aimed at the >transmitter really reduced the error rate. > > I tried using the FM Antennae from my bttv radio card... Of cource I didnt get any results, but I didnt get anything running the same test under Windows, either... This leads me to conclude that OTA VSB isn't available in Brooklyn, New York :-( >>I believe that I have my >>patch set up correctly, and my only room for error is in >>dvb-pll.c, or maybe in cx88-mpeg - but I doubt that. >> >> > >I put in some extra stuff that I found in the spec to make >the MircoTune tuner change channels faster. It may not work >with your tuner. Can you point me to a spec for your tuner? > > I am unable to locate specs for the Thomson DDT 7611. What is the extra stuff for the Microtune tuner that you speak of? I can try removing these and see if it helps... >>But >>yes, I would love for you to help me, if possible. I am >>currently in the irc chat room #v4l and also in #linuxtv. >> (8:05pm EST) Hopefully we can meet in there. >> >> >I got there at 10:02 CDT and said Hi. You left at 10:20 CDT >without responding. > > I didn't see you... It could have been the same irc netsplit problem that we had that first day we met on irc... Oh well... Thank you for trying to meet me, I appreciate it. >I usually watch tv from 5:30 to 11:30 skipping the 10:00 >news. Then I check email and go to bed. When I get my >problem solved, video card runs out of resources trying to >decode a HD stream, I'll spend less time watching TV during >prime time. > > I went to bed (relatively) early last night as well, after watching two hours of HBO's Carnivale... What a great show! >>If not, >>what information can I give you that would enable you to >>help me? >> >> >Does anything work? > > I got result codes 0x08 and 0x09 while scanning QAM256 from cable. I told you about these in a previous email, where you explained to me the following: FE_HAS_SIGNAL = 0x01, /* found something above the noise level */ FE_HAS_CARRIER = 0x02, /* found a DVB signal */ FE_HAS_VITERBI = 0x04, /* FEC is stable */ FE_HAS_SYNC = 0x08, /* found sync bytes */ FE_HAS_LOCK = 0x10, /* everything's working... */ FE_TIMEDOUT = 0x20, /* no lock within the last ~2 seconds */ FE_REINIT = 0x40 /* frontend was reinitialized, this means that in many cases I am finding something above the noise level, and in some cases I am also finding sync bytes.... This is the best I got so far... It has just occurred to me that I need to change the scanning frequencies in the atscscan program in order for it to handle US ATSC/QAM256 ... Can you advise on how to do so? -- Michael Krufky