Hello Manu and I are currently exchanging ideas (and code) related to the next ca_zap (i.e. the small user space application in charge of sending a ca_pmt message to the CAM on a Twinhan card). We are thinking about providing a library to parse PAT and PMT and to generate an EN50221 CA_SET_PMT message. I've seen that mpsys library [1] alreasy provides a C library to parse PMT and most of a TS stream. Using the XML protocol description, it should be quite easy to provide an EN50221 parser also. (although, I'm not so sure about the encoding part of the EN50221 messages ... I may have to dust off my XSLT cookbook ) What do you think of this library ? Is there any reason not to use it with dvb application ? Or not to recommend it ? Thanks [1] http://www.nenie.org/misc/mpsys/