Hi. I am completely new to video under linux trying to understand what are the various devices created by loading the drivers with my dvb nexus-s card. The card works well and I can see my channels properly. I can even use mplayer to send mpeg2 streams to my TV. I recently installed a pvr150 card and thought it would be nice to use the tv-out of the nexus to display, under my command either stream. With the pvr150, I can easily grab the stream with a cat /dev/video1 (video0 is dvb). It is not possible, or at least that simple, with the dvb card. Here are my questions : 1/ I read a message saying that the dvr0 device would get a stream, demux it and output it to the video and audio. Does not work for me. 2/ Neither /dev/video0 nor /dev/dvb/adaptor0/video0 are writable for me. mplayer reports use of /dev/dvb/adapter0/audio0+video0, though. How should I deal with the various devices to get my audio and video streams to audio and video outputs ? (docs, infos ?) I read that the 711x has a framebuffer to interact with the driver, is it usable to get video directly to the tv output without a monitor (tv out as screen) ? Best regards to all of you.